Bulletin for January 5, 2025
Jan. 5 – 28th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3
Sunday before Nativity, of the Holy Fathers. Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ. Martyrs of Crete: Theodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunician, Zoticus, Pompeius, Agathopus, Basilides, and Evaristus (250). Ven. Niphon, bishop of Cyprus (4th c.). Ven. Paul, bishop of Neo-Caesarea (4th c.).
Heb. 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40 ;
Mat. 1:1-25;
Jan. 7 – The Nativity According to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ
Різдво Господа Бога і Спаса Нашого Ісуса Христа
The Adoration of the Magi: Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar.
From January 7th till January 18th is a Fast-free period.
Gal. 4:4-7; Mt. 2:1-12;
Jan. 8 – Synaxis of the Theotokos
Heb. 2:11-18; Mt. 2:13-23;
Services & Other Events
5 January, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
6 January, Nativity Eve:
- 7:45pm – Caroling - Колядки
- 8pm – Greate Compline - Велике Повечір'я
7 January, Nativity of Christ - Різдво Христове:
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
8 January, Sinaxis of Mother of God:
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
9 January, St. Stephen Day:
- 7pm – Akathist to Nativity of Christ - Акафіст до Різдва Христового
11 January, Saturday:
- 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня
12 January, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Constitution Committee Meeting
14 January, New Year / St. Basil:
- 5pm – New Year's Thanksgiving Moleben - Новорічний Подячний Молебень
15 January, Wednesday:
- 7pm – Finance Committee Meeting
18 January, Theophany Eve:
- 9:30am – Dinive Liturgy and Great Blessing of Waters — Божественна Літургія та Велике Посвячення Води
Апостол і Євангеліє - Gospel and Epistle of the Day
Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse
Tuesday. [Heb. 12:25-26, 13:22-25; Mark 10:2-12]
What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. With these words the Lord affirms the integrity of marriage; only one lawful ground for divorce is indicated—a spouse's unfaithfulness. But what should one do if one discovers something like this? Be patient. We have a universal commandment—to bear one another's burdens; even more willingly should close ones, such as spouses, mutually fulfill this with respect to one another. Unwillingness to be patient blows up some unpleasantness out of proportion, and trifles pile up into a dividing wall. What is the mind given us for? To smooth out the path of life. Wisdom will work out any unpleasantness which is met. Because of lack of earthly wisdom, it not worked out; even more because of an unwillingness to think over well the state of things, and even more from not having any goal in life other than pleasure. Pleasures cease, satisfaction with one another ceases; on it goes until divorce. The more goals in life are debased, the more frequent divorces become on the one hand, and on the other—unlawful temporary cohabitation. The source of this evil lies in materialistic views of the world and life.
Wednesday. [James 1:1-8; Mark 10:11-16]
With what love the Lord treated children! Who doesn't treat them with love? The longer one lives, the more one loves children. In them is seen freshness of life, cleanness and purity of disposition, which cannot but be loved. Looking at the innocence of childhood, some suppose that there is no original sin, that each person falls himself when he comes of age and meets with immoral urges, which, it seems to him, he does not have the strength to overcome. Everyone falls himself, yet the original sin nevertheless is present. Apostle Paul sees in us the law of sin, warring against the law of the mind. This law, like a seed, at first is as if not visible, but then is revealed and entices. Those who are born of lepers do not manifest leprosy until a certain age, but then it is revealed, and begins to consume them just as it did their parents. Where was the leprosy before this time? It was hiding within. So does the original sin hide until the time, and then comes out and does its business. Environment means a lot for both suppressing this sin and revealing it. If there were no sinful elements all around, there would be nothing with which to feed this hidden sin, and perhaps it would dry up of its own. But herein is our sorrow: that all around there is very much favourable food for it. There is much sin in every person as well as in society; but all of this does not necessarily determine that we will sin. Sin is always a matter of freedom—struggle and you will not fall. Only he who does not want to struggle falls. Why do we not want to struggle? There are no regulations concerning desire and lack of desire: I want to, because I want to; and I don't want to, because I don't want to. Self-rule is the original principle—one cannot go beyond it.
Думки на кожен день року
Святитель Феофан Затворник.
"Що Бог поєднав, того людина хай не розлучає" (Мк. 10:9). Цими словами Господь стверджує нерозривність шлюбу; лише один законний привід для розлучення вказаний – невірність подружжя: але як бути, якщо відкриється щось подібне? Потерпи. У нас є загальна заповідь – один одного тягарі носити; тим охочіше повинні виконувати її взаємно один до одного такі близькі особи, як подружжя. Небажання потерпіти роздмухує неприємності, і дрібниці нагромаджуються в стіну, що розділяє. На що розум-то дано? Згладжувати життєвий шлях. Розсудливість розведе суперечки, які зустрілися. Не розводяться вони від нестачі розсудливості життєвої, а більше від небажання обдумати добряче стан справ, і ще більше від відсутності в житті іншої цілі, окрім насолод. Припиняються насолоди, припиняється і задоволеність одне одним; далі й далі, ось і розлучення. Чим більше опошлюються цілі життя, тим більше частішають розлучення – з одного боку, а з іншого – беззаконне тимчасове співмешкання. Джерело ж цього зла в матеріалістичному погляді на світ і життя. (18 грудня)
З якою любов'ю поставився Господь до дітей! Та й хто не ставиться до них із любов'ю? Що довше хто живе, то більше любить дітей. Бачиться в них свіжість життя, чистота і непорочність вдачі, яких не можна не любити. Декому спадає на думку, дивлячись на невинність дитинства, вважати, що первородного гріха немає, що всякий падає сам, коли приходить у вік і зустрічається з протиморальними прагненнями, подолати які, здається йому, він не в силах. Падає-то кожен сам, а первородний гріх все-таки є. Апостол Павло бачить у нас закон гріха, що "воює проти закону розуму" (Рим. 7:23). Цей закон, як насіння, спочатку ніби не видно, а потім розкривається і захоплює. Так народжені від прокажених до відомого віку не виявляють прокази, потім вона розкривається, і починає з'їдати їх так само, як і батьків. Де була проказа до часу? Всередині ховалася. Так і первородний гріх до часу ховається, а потім виходить назовні і робить своє. Навколишнє середовище багато значить і для придушення цього гріха, і для розкриття його. Якби не було навколо стихій гріховних, нічим було б харчуватися тому прихованому гріху і він, можливо, сам собою б висох: але в тому-то горе наше, що навкруги завжди буває багато того, що сприяє його живленню. Багато гріха і в кожній особі, і в суспільстві: але все це не обов'язково детермінує нас на гріх. Гріх завжди справа свободи: борись — і не впадеш. Падає тільки той, хто не хоче боротися. Чому не хочемо боротися? На хотіння і нехотіння немає причин: хочу, тому що хочу; і не хочу, тому що не хочу: особиста воля — ось першоджерело; далі неї не можна йти. (19 грудня)

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund
Johnson City, NY
As we come to the end of another year, we thank our Lord for His blessings and wish our families and friends good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year of 2025. We also think of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine; the pain, suffering, and destruction they have endured over the past eleven years in the face of Russia's unprovoked barbaric aggression and the full-scale invasion soon to enter its fourth year of war. Throughout this time, the courageous people of Ukraine have defended their nation from tyranny, from enslavement, and from total genocide by Putin's evil forces.
This Sunday marks 1,046 days since Russia's full-scale invasion stunned the world. Days in which Ukrainian bravery has inspired the world. Despite what some politicians in Washington say, this war does matter. It matters greatly to us in the United States and to all nations that understand what is at stake for humanity and democracy. First and foremost, however, we must reflect on what it means for our fellow Ukrainians, the future of their children in a free and independent European nation and reject any notion of war fatigue in America while Ukraine continues to fight for its national survival.
Today, children in Ukraine mourn lost parents. Parents mourn lost children. Families live with constant fear while others have been torn away from their homes and loved ones. Ukrainians bear physical wounds and psychological scars that will never truly heal. They need not just our words of concern, but also our moral, spiritual and financial support.
Up until now America has not wavered from its support for Ukraine, nor have charitable organizations around the world including St. John's Humanitarian Committee. We have continually stepped up our humanitarian support for Ukraine. We have advocated with our elected officials to ramp up pressure on Russia to end its evil aggression and we have made every effort to make it clear to all of our friends and neighbors what is at stake for generations should Putin be allowed to destroy Ukraine.
President Zelensky said in his New Year video greeting late on Dec. 31 that no one would give peace to his country as a gift. This is not a street fight where you have to calm down both sides as some suggest. "This is the full-scale aggression of a mad state against a civilized one," Zelensky said. "And I believe that we, together with the United States, are capable of exerting that force." Let us pray that his words are heard by the incoming administration in Washington and that all Americans continues to stand with Ukraine.
We extends our sincere thanks to all who support the work of our humanitarian committee with prayers and donations "In Memory" and "In Honor" of their loved ones and in general as so many do. May God Bless you for your love, compassion, and generosity during this Christmas season of giving and throughout the year in the name of the Prince of Peace.
Vichnaya Pamyat – Memory Eternal: Mother Anne Petras, Children of Ukraine x2, Parents Mary and John Kostyn, Kathrine Dobransky, Scott Shirk, Wasyl Gina, Fallen Soldiers of Ukraine, Joe Okrepkie, Eugenia Arson, Cypryan and Margaret Klish, John and Joyce Holicky, Myron Shlatz x2, Steve Hodges, Peter Michael Dobransky Birthday, and Alfred Gorick.
In Honor of: Oleksandr and Yuliia Astakhov Family, Mykhailo and Ivanna Burdyliak Family, Oleksandr and Yuliia Vozniuk Family, Vitaliy and Liliya Kapytsia Family, Oleksandr and Ivanna Burdyliak Family, St. Mary's Sisterhood, Stepan Mykytuk, and Mackenzie Shirk's Baptism.
Christ is Born! Let us glorify Him!
Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!
Let's Help Ukraine!
St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.
To make donation online click here
We accept checks as well.
Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund
Mailing address:
1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790
Cash is accepted in church
Pray for Ukraine!
Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.
Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.
May God bless and protect Ukraine!
Please Note!
- Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
- If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
- We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarettes, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.

Christmas Caroling
On January 7, 2025 starting from 1pm the Christmas carolers will visit homes who invited them to come.
7 січня о 13:00 колядники почнуть ходити від хати до хати Бога прославляти.
Happy Birthday
- January 06: Robert Lown Jr.
- January 09: Quinn Schumacher
- January 09: Claire Brown
* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.
Please Pray for the Servants of God
Rose, Marlyn, Bob, Nadine, Dannette,
John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Peyton Mary, Pipinos, Sharon Italiano
Upcoming Readings
Mon. Jan. 6 | Lit.: Heb. 1:1-12; | Lk. 2:1-20; |
Tue. Jan. 7 | Gal. 4:4-7; | Mt. 2:1-12; |
Wed. Jan. 8 | Heb. 2:11-18; | Mt. 2:13-23; |
Thu. Jan. 9 | Acts 6:8–15; 7:1-5, 47-60; | Mt. 21:33-42; |
Fri. Jan. 10 | Heb. 7:18-25 ; | Mk. 12:1-12; |
Sat. Jan. 11 | 1Tim. 6:11-16; | Mt. 12:15-21; |