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Dormition of Mother of God

Bulletin for August 27, 2023

Aug. 27 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3

Forefeast of the Dormition. Prophet Micah (8th c. B.C.). Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop of Apamea (389). Translation of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Kyiv Caves (1091).

1 Cor. 15:1-11; Mt. 19:16-26;
Heb. 13:7-16; Lk. 6:17-23;

Propers Live Streaming - Пряма Трансляція

Aug. 28 – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

Phil. 2:5-11; Lk. 10:38-42; 11:27-28;

Sept. 3 – 13th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4

Afterfeast of the Dormition. Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy (44). Martyr Bassa of Edessa and her sons Theogonius, Agapius, and Pistus (4th c.). Ven. Abramius the Lover-of-Labor of the Kyiv Caves (XII-XIII).

1 Cor. 16:13-24; Mt. 21:33-42;

Services & Other Events

YouTube Livestreaming services can be found on YouTube TV search for Ivan Synevskyy

27 August, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • Memorial Service for William and Mary Mihovan
  • 6pm – Great Vespers at St. Mary's Orthodox Church, 1907 Jenkins Street, Endicott, NY 13760

28 August, Dormition - Успіння Богородиці:

  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія

30 August, Wednesday:

  • 5:45pm – Ukrainian Dance Practice
  • 6:30pm – Church Restoration Meeting

31 August, Thursday:

  • 7pm – Iconography Committee Meeting

2 September, Saturday:

  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

3 September, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія

10 September, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • Blessing of the Church School Students, distribution of UOL Essay Contest Awards


Fr. Ivan can be reached by call/text c.617-646-9515 or email:


З Першого Посла́ння до Коринфян Свято́го Апо́стола Павла́ чита́ння (15:1-11)

Браття, звіщаю ж вам, Євангелію, яку я вам благовістив, і яку прийняли ви, в якій і стоїте, Якою й спасаєтесь, коли пам'ятаєте, яким словом я благовістив вам, якщо тільки ви ввірували не наосліп. Бо я передав вам найперш, що й прийняв, що Христос був умер ради наших гріхів за Писанням, і що Він був похований, і що третього дня Він воскрес за Писанням, і що з'явився Він Кифі, потім Дванадцятьом. А потім з'явився нараз більше як п'ятистам браттям, що більшість із них живе й досі, а дехто й спочили. Потому з'явився Він Якову, опісля усім апостолам. А по всіх Він з'явився й мені, мов якому недородкові. Я бо найменший з апостолів, що негідний зватись апостолом, бо я переслідував був Божу Церкву. Та благодаттю Божою я те, що є, і благодать Його, що в мені, не даремна була, але я працював більше всіх їх, правда не я, але Божа благодать, що зо мною вона. Тож чи я, чи вони, ми так проповідуємо, і так ви ввірували.

З Посла́ння до Євреїв Свято́го Апо́стола Павла́ чита́ння (13:7-16)

Браття, спогадуйте наставників ваших, що вам говорили Слово Боже; і, дивлячися на кінець їхнього життя, переймайте їхню віру. Ісус Христос учора, і сьогодні, і навіки Той Самий! Не захоплюйтеся всілякими та чужими науками. Бо річ добра зміцняти серця благодаттю, а не стравами, що користи від них не одержали ті, хто за ними ходив. Маємо жертівника, що від нього годуватися права не мають ті, хто скинії служить, бо котрих звірят кров первосвященик уносить до святині за гріхи, тих м'ясо палиться поза табором, тому то Ісус, щоб кров'ю Своєю людей освятити, постраждав поза брамою. Тож виходьмо до Нього поза табір, і наругу Його понесімо, бо постійного міста не маємо тут, а шукаємо майбутнього! Отож, завжди приносьмо Богові жертву хвали, цебто плід уст, що Ім'я Його славлять. Не забувайте ж і про доброчинність та спільність, бо жертви такі вгодні Богові.


Від Матфея 19:16-26

 І підійшов ось один, і до Нього сказав: Учителю Добрий, що маю зробити я доброго, щоб мати життя вічне? Він же йому відказав: Чого звеш Мене Добрим? Ніхто не є Добрий, крім Бога Самого. Коли ж хочеш ввійти до життя, то виконай заповіді. Той питає Його: Які саме? А Ісус відказав: Не вбивай, не чини перелюбу, не кради, не свідкуй неправдиво. Шануй батька та матір, і: Люби свого ближнього, як самого себе. Говорить до Нього юнак: Це я виконав все. Чого ще бракує мені? Ісус каже йому: Коли хочеш бути досконалим, піди, продай добра свої та й убогим роздай, і матимеш скарб ти на небі. Потому приходь та й іди вслід за Мною. Почувши ж юнак таке слово, відійшов, зажурившись, бо великі маєтки він мав. Ісус же сказав Своїм учням: Поправді кажу вам, що багатому трудно ввійти в Царство Небесне. Іще вам кажу: Верблюдові легше пройти через голчине вушко, ніж багатому в Боже Царство ввійти! Як учні ж Його це зачули, здивувалися дуже й сказали: Хто ж тоді може спастися? А Ісус позирнув і сказав їм: Неможливе це людям, та можливе все Богові.

Від Луки 6:17-23

І, зійшовши з ними, став Він на рівному місці, і багато учнів Його і безліч народу з усієї Іудеї та Ієрусалима і приморських місць Тирських і Сидонських, що прийшли послухати Його і зцілитися від недугів своїх, також і ті, що страждали від нечистих духів; і зцілялися. І весь народ шукав, щоб доторкнутися до Нього, бо від Нього виходила сила і зціляла всіх. І Він, звівши очі Свої на учнів Своїх, говорив: Блаженні убогі духом, бо ваше є Царство Боже. Блаженні ті, що голодні нині, бо насититесь. Блаженні ті, що плачуть нині, бо втішитесь. Блаженні ви, коли зненавидять вас люди, і коли відлучать вас, і ганьбитимуть, і знеславлять ім'я ваше заради Сина Людського. Радійте в той день і веселіться, бо велика вам нагорода на небесах.


Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora at the Celebration of 32nd Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence - 24 August, 2023

As we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Ukrainian Independence, we find ourselves in perhaps the most critical moments of all Ukrainian history.  We witness yet another genocidal invasion of the nation by the armed forces of the Russian Federation whose main target are the innocent civilians – mostly senior citizens and their grandchildren – sleeping in their beds at night.  We hear the oft repeated by Russian dictators, allegation that there is no such nation "Ukraine" and no such people "Ukrainians", followed by the promise of the present dictator at the beginning of his invasion, that "when we are finished, there will be not a single person left anywhere who will self-identify as a Ukrainian.  Finally, we hear the promise made by the prime hierarch of the government's "church", promising in a Holy Day sermon that any soldier who dies fighting in the invasion of Ukraine murdering self-identified Ukrainians will earn forgiveness of all their sins, equating them to the holy martyrs. Shortly thereafter, he began deposing his own clergy who pray for peace rather than for victory over Ukrainians as he ordered them to do.  

We witness millions of men, women and children fleeing from their homes and the invaders to nations all round the world.  We witness nations, some of which have been known as "traditional" enemies of Ukraine opening wide their borders, their hearts, their minds and souls in welcoming and supporting Ukrainian refugees on a scale seldom seen throughout world history.  We witness the millions of our fellow citizens here in the United States of America and South America who have worked diligently to collect the funds necessary to support those remaining in all regions of Ukraine – millions contributed to our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA because of their trust in our ability to maintain transparency in the distribution of aid to all who desperately need it.

We witness the world's greatest nations supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the defense of their nation, astounding the world with their success and professionalism.  We witness the profound oneness of mind throughout all the "nation" – the people – of Ukraine.  These are people of God who have, throughout all their lives, remained faithful to God trusting that His "Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". We witness men of all ages serving in Armed Forces defending the nation with their every bit of energy and certainty in their righteousness.  We witness a man who portrayed an "accidental" president on television elected as the "real" President of Ukraine, becoming an inspiration for not only his nation, but for nations all around the world, uniting his people into one mind about who they are and what they will always be. 

Yes, we are at a critical moment of Ukrainian history because that President and his government face what can become overwhelming pressure to negotiate and end to the conflict not of their own making by making sacrifices of land and people.  We are at a critical moment because that President and his government my well face additional pressure to deal with critical issues existent at all levels of society that may do more to undermine Ukraine's future than any unjustifiable invasion. 

We are not politicians and have no desire to be politicians.  We, along with you, dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, are people of God whose responsibility is to pray for all the people of God throughout Ukraine.  We have worked closely with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in our Christian aide programs and we call upon the Church, her clergy and her people to once again become the active conscience of the nation of Ukraine.  We call upon the Church of Ukraine to put forth at all times the necessity of standing in humility before God in the Holy Trinity seeking strength to follow the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in the way we relate to one another and the Grace to profess our love for one another under all circumstances.  We call upon all people of faith around the world to live in that same Grace and in compassion and mercy for all through our "oneness" in the image of God.

Pray, dear brothers and sisters in our Lord, pray more fervently than ever before in your daily life. Pray for peace, pray for understanding, pray for open hearts, minds and souls that will be able to rebuild Ukraine so that like the proverbial Phoenix, she will "rise up from the ashes" to fulfill her destiny among the forever free nations of the world. Pray for the leadership of the nation and the Church that they may always be one with the people they serve.

We extend our deep gratitude to all who have stepped up in our parishes and as individuals to help in aiding the people of Ukraine.  Your unconditional love has worked miracles!  Yes, we are at a critical moment as we celebrate this 32nd anniversary of Ukrainian Independence – and celebrate we do because we have learned so much about the citizens of Ukraine, but also because of how much we have been blessed and enabled in our assistance to them.  May the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.  Remember your faith as part of your daily prayers:  "The Father is my Hope, the Son is my Refuge, the Spirit is my Protection."  Pray this and believe.

In our Lord's All-Encompassing Love, 

+Antony, Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora

+Jeremiah, Archbishop of the South American Eparchy

+Daniel, Archbishop of the UOC of the USA and Western Europe

Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори
з нагоди святкування 32-ї річниці
Дня Незалежності України


Святкуючи 32-у річницю Незалежності України, ми переживаємо чи не найкритичніші моменти всієї української історії. Ми є свідками чергового геноцидного вторгнення збройних сил Російської Федерації на Українську націю,де основною мішенню є невинні мирні жителі – переважно літні люди та їхні онуки, які сплять ночами у своїх ліжках. Ми неодноразово чуємо заяви російських диктаторів, що немає такої нації, як «Україна», і немає таких людей, як «Українці». Саме такі дії відповідають заяві нинішнього російського президента, диктатора на початку його вторгнення: «Коли ми закінчимо, ніде не залишиться жодної людини, яка б самоідентифікувала себе як Українець». Нарешті, ми чуємо запевнення предстоятеля державної «церкви», котрий під час проповіді уСвятковий день заявив, що будь-який солдат, який загине, воюючи під час вторгнення в Україну (очевидно, вбиваючи тих, хто ідентифікують себе, як Українці), заслужить прощення всіх своїх гріхів, таким чином прирівнюючи їх до святих мучеників. Невдовзі після цього він почав скидати власне духовенство, яке з християнською любов'ю молилося за мир, а не за перемогу над Українцями, як він наказав їм робити.

Ми є свідками того, як мільйони чоловіків, жінок та дітей тікають зі своїх домівок і від загарбників до країн по всьому світу. Ми є свідками того, як нації по всьому світу, деякі з яких часто вважалися «традиційними» ворогамиУкраїни, широко відкривають свої кордони, свої серця, розуми і душі, приймаючи та підтримуючи українських біженців у такому масштабі, який рідко можна побачити у світовій історії. Ми бачимо, як тисячі наших парафій, духовенства та вірних тут, у Сполучених Штатах Америки, у Південній Америці, в Австралії та Новій Зеландії, у країнах Західної Європи та в Канаді старанно працювали, щоб зібрати кошти та речі, необхідні для підтримки тих, хто залишився по усіх регіонах України. Мільйони доларів були зібрані нашою Святою УкраїнськоюПравославною Церквою США завдяки довірі жертводавців у нашу здатність підтримувати прозорість у розподілі допомоги всім тим, хто її вкрай потребує, особливо через тісну співпрацю з Православною Церквою України.

Ми є свідками того, як найбільші країни світу підтримують Збройні Сили України в захисті своєї нації, вражаючи світ своїми успіхами та професіоналізмом. Ми є свідками глибокої єдності духу всієї «нації» – народу – України. Це люди Божі, які протягом усього свого життя залишалися вірними Йому, благаючи, щоб Його «була воля, як на Землі, так і на Небесах». Ми бачимо, як чоловіки різного віку служать у Збройних Силах, захищаючи свою державу з усією енергією та абсолютною впевненістю у правоті своїх дій. Ми є свідками того, як чоловік, котрийзображав «випадкового» президента на телебаченні, був обраний справжнім Президентом України, ставши джерелом натхнення не лише для своєї нації, а й для націй по всьому світі, об'єднавши своїх людей в одну думку про те, хто вони і ким вони завжди повинні бути.

Так, сьогодні ми переживаємо надзвичайно складні моменти української історії, адже Президент та його уряд стикаються з викликом - непереборним тиском  про домовленість щодо припинення конфлікту, що почався не з їхньої вини, але змушує погоджуватись на жертви землею та людьми, жертви - яких вони пообіцяли НЕ робити. Окрім того, ми переживаємо труднощі, які розвинулися всередині країни:  Президент і його уряд стикаються з додатковим тиском вирішуючи проблеми, які існують на всіх рівнях українського суспільства, і які можуть ще більше підірвати майбутнє України, ніж будь-яке невиправдане вторгнення.

Ми не політики і не маємо бажання бути ними. Ми разом з вами, дорогі брати і сестри у Христі, є людьми Божими, які повинні молитися за весь народ Божий по всій Україні. Ми тісно співпрацюємо з Православною Церквою України в наших християнських програмах допомоги і закликаємо нашу Церкву, її духовенство та її народ вкотре стати активною «совістю нації України», котра є нашим духовним спадком. Ми закликаємо Церкву України завжди наголошувати своїм вірним на необхідності стояти в смиренні перед Богом у Пресвятій Трійці, шукаючи сили наслідувати Провід Святого Духа в ставленні один до одного, і благаючи благодаті сповідувати нашу любов один до одного за БУДЬ-ЯКИХ обставин. Ми закликаємо всіх вірних по всьому світі жити і діяти в тій самій Благодаті та в співчутті й милосерді до всіх – у «єдності» за образом Божим.

Моліться, дорогі брати і сестри в нашому Господі, моліться ревніше, ніж будь-коли раніше у своєму щоденному житті. Моліться за мир, моліться за розуміння, моліться за відкриті серця, розуми та душі, які зможуть відбудувати Україну, щоб вона, як славнозвісний Фенікс, «повстала з попелу», щоб здійснити своє призначення серед навіки вільних народів світу. Моліться за керівництво нації та Церкви, щоб вони завжди були одним цілим з народом, котрому служать.

Ми висловлюємо глибоку вдячність усім, хто не залишився осторонь чи то при наших парафіях, чи окремо, щоб допомогти людям України. Ваша безумовна любов продовжує творити чудеса! Так, сьогодні ми переживаємонадзвичайно складні моменти, святкуючи 32-у річницю Незалежності України – і ми справді святкуємо, аджедізналися так багато про силу єдності серед громадян України, а також через те, наскільки ми були благословенні і наділені усім завдяки нашій допомозі. Нехай Благодать нашого Господа і Спасителя Ісуса Христа, Любов Бога Отця і Причастя Святого Духа будуть з усіма нами. Пам'ятайте про це твердження нашої віри під час ваших щоденних молитов: «Надія моя — Отець, Пристановище моє — Син, Захист мій — Дух Святий». Моліться цю молитву, та віруйте так, як покоління за поколінням вірили наші предки, щоб і надалі продовжувати творити чудеса серед нашого народу.

У Всеохоплюючій Любові нашого Господа,

+ АНТОНІЙ, Митрополит УПЦ США та Діаспори

+ ЄРЕМІЯ, Архієпископ Південно-Американської Єпархії УПЦ США

+ ДАНИЇЛ, Архієпископ УПЦ США та Західної Європи

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady
the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary: After the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian, and during his journeys She lived at the home of his parents, near the Mount of Olives. She was a source of consolation and edification both for the Apostles and for all the believers. Conversing with them, She told them about miraculous events: the Annunciation, the seedless and undefiled Conception of Christ born of Her, about His early childhood, and about His earthly life. Like the Apostles, She helped plant and strengthen the Christian Church by Her presence, Her discourse and Her prayers.

The reverence of the Apostles for the Most Holy Virgin was extraordinary. After the receiving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the Apostles remained at Jerusalem for about ten years attending to the salvation of the Jews, and wanting moreover to see the Mother of God and hear Her holy discourse. Many of the newly-enlightened in the Faith even came from faraway lands to Jerusalem, to see and to hear the All-Pure Mother of God.

During the persecution initiated by King Herod against the young Church of Christ (Acts 12:1-3), the Most Holy Virgin and the Apostle John the Theologian withdrew to Ephesus in the year 43. The preaching of the Gospel there had fallen by lot to the Apostle John the Theologian. The Mother of God was on Cyprus with Saint Lazarus the Four-Days-Dead, where he was bishop. She was also on Holy Mount Athos. Saint Stephen of the Holy Mountain says that the Mother of God prophetically spoke of it: "Let this place be my lot, given to me by my Son and my God. I will be the Patroness of this place and intercede with God for it."

The respect of ancient Christians for the Mother of God was so great that they preserved what they could about Her life, what they could take note of concerning Her sayings and deeds, and they even passed down to us a description of Her outward appearance.

According to Tradition, based on the words of the Hieromartyrs Dionysius the Areopagite (October 3) and Ignatius the God-Bearer (December 20), Saint Ambrose of Milan (December 7) had occasion to write in his work "On Virgins" concerning the Mother of God: "She was a Virgin not only in body, but also in soul, humble of heart, circumspect in word, wise in mind, not overly given to speaking, a lover of reading and of work, and prudent in speech. Her rule of life was to offend no one, to intend good for everyone, to respect the aged, not envy others, avoid bragging, be healthy of mind, and to love virtue.

"When did She ever hurl the least insult in the face of Her parents? When was She at discord with Her kin? When did She ever puff up with pride before a modest person, or laugh at the weak, or shun the destitute? With Her there was nothing of glaring eyes, nothing of unseemly words, nor of improper conduct. She was modest in the movement of Her body, Her step was quiet, and Her voice straightforward; so that Her face was an expression of soul. She was the personification of purity.

"All Her days She was concerned with fasting: She slept only when necessary, and even then, when Her body was at rest, She was still alert in spirit, repeating in Her dreams what She had read, or the implementation of proposed intentions, or those planned yet anew. She was out of Her house only for church, and then only in the company of relatives. Otherwise, She seldom appeared outside Her house in the company of others, and She was Her own best overseer. Others could protect Her only in body, but She Herself guarded Her character."

According to Tradition, that from the compiler of Church history Nikēphóros Callistus (fourteenth century), the Mother of God "was of average stature, or as others suggest, slightly more than average; Her hair golden in appearance; Her eyes bright with pupils like shiny olives; Her eyebrows strong in character and moderately dark, Her nose pronounced and Her mouth vibrant bespeaking sweet speech; Her face was neither round nor angular, but somewhat oblong; the palm of Her hands and fingers were longish...

In conversation with others She preserved decorum, neither becoming silly nor agitated, and indeed especially never angry; without artifice, and direct, She was not overly concerned about Herself, and far from pampering Herself, She was distinctly full of humility. Regarding the clothing which She wore, She was satisfied to have natural colors, which even now is evidenced by Her holy head-covering. Suffice it to say, a special grace attended all Her actions." [Nikēphóros Callistus borrowed his description from Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus (May 12), from the "Letter to Theophilus Concerning Icons."]

The circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother of God were known in the Orthodox Church from apostolic times. Already in the first century, the Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite wrote about Her "Falling-Asleep." In the second century, the account of the bodily ascent of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Heaven is found in the works of Meliton, Bishop of Sardis. In the fourth century, Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus refers to the tradition about the "Falling Asleep" of the Mother of God. In the fifth century, Saint Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, told the holy Byzantine Empress Pulcheria: "Although there is no account of the circumstances of Her death in Holy Scripture, we know about them from the most ancient and credible Tradition." This tradition was gathered and expounded in the Church History of Nikēphóros Callistus during the fourteenth century.

At the time of Her blessed Falling Asleep, the Most Holy Virgin Mary was again at Jerusalem. Her fame as the Mother of God had already spread throughout the land and had aroused many of the envious and the spiteful against Her. They wanted to make attempts on Her life; but God preserved Her from enemies.

Day and night She spent her time in prayer. The Most Holy Theotokos went often to the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord, and here She offered up fevent prayer. More than once, enemies of the Savior sought to hinder Her from visiting her holy place, and they asked the High Priest for a guard to watch over the Grave of the Lord. The Holy Virgin continued to pray right in front of them, yet unseen by anyone.

In one such visit to Golgotha, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and announced Her approaching departure from this life to eternal life. In pledge of this, the Archangel gave Her a palm branch. With these heavenly tidings the Mother of God returned to Bethlehem with the three girls attending Her (Sepphora, Abigail, and Jael). She summoned Righteous Joseph of Arimathea and other disciples of the Lord, and told them of Her impending Repose.

The Most Holy Virgin prayed also that the Lord would have the Apostle John come to Her. The Holy Spirit transported him from Ephesus, setting him in that very place where the Mother of God lay. After the prayer, the Most Holy Virgin offered incense, and John heard a voice from Heaven, closing Her prayer with the word "Amen." The Mother of God took it that the voice meant the speedy arrival of the Apostles and the Disciples and the holy Bodiless Powers.

The faithful, whose number by then was impossible to count, gathered together, says Saint John of Damascus, like clouds and eagles, to listen to the Mother of God. Seeing one another, the Disciples rejoiced, but in their confusion they asked each other why the Lord had gathered them together in one place. Saint John the Theologian, greeting them with tears of joy, said that the time of the Virgin's repose was at hand.

Going in to the Mother of God, they beheld Her lying upon the bed, and filled with spiritual joy. The Disciples greeted Her, and then they told her how they had been carried miraculously from their places of preaching. The Most Holy Virgin Mary glorified God, because He had heard Her prayer and fulfilled Her heart's desire, and She began speaking about Her imminent end.

During this conversation the Apostle Paul also appeared in a miraculous manner together with his disciples Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint Hierotheus, Saint Timothy and others of the Seventy Apostles. The Holy Spirit had gathered them all together so that they might be granted the blessing of the All-Pure Virgin Mary, and more fittingly to see to the burial of the Mother of the Lord. She called each of them to Herself by name, She blessed them and extolled them for their faith and the hardships they endured in preaching the Gospel of Christ. To each She wished eternal bliss, and prayed with them for the peace and welfare of the whole world.

Then came the third hour (9 A.M.), when the Dormition of the Mother of God was to occur. A number of candles were burning. The holy Disciples surrounded her beautifully adorned bed, offering praise to God. She prayed in anticipation of Her demise and of the arrival of Her longed-for Son and Lord. Suddenly, the inexpressible Light of Divine Glory shone forth, before which the blazing candles paled in comparison. All who saw it took fright. Descending from Heaven was Christ, the King of Glory, surrounded by hosts of Angels and Archangels and other Heavenly Powers, together with the souls of the Forefathers and the Prophets, who had prophesied in ages past concerning the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Seeing Her Son, the Mother of God exclaimed: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God My Savior, for He hath regarded the low estate of His Handmaiden" (Luke 1:46-48) and, rising from Her bed to meet the Lord, She bowed down to Him, and the Lord bid Her enter into Life Eternal. Without any bodily suffering, as though in a happy sleep, the Most Holy Virgin Mary gave Her soul into the hands of Her Son and God.

Then began a joyous angelic song. Accompanying the pure soul of the God-betrothed and with reverent awe for the Queen of Heaven, the angels exclaimed: "Hail, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou among women! For lo, the Queen, God's Maiden comes, lift up the gates, and with the Ever-Existing One, take up the Mother of Light; for through Her salvation has come to all the human race. It is impossible to gaze upon Her, and it is impossible to render Her due honor" (Stikherion on "Lord, I Have Cried"). The Heavenly gates were raised, and meeting the soul of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Cherubim and the Seraphim glorified Her with joy. The face of the Mother of God was radiant with the glory of Divine virginity, and from Her body there came a sweet fragrance.

Miraculous was the life of the All-Pure Virgin, and wondrous was Her Repose, as Holy Church sings: "In Thee, O Queen, the God of all hath given thee as thy portion the things that are above nature. Just as in the Birth-Giving He did preserve Thine virginity, so also in the grave He did preserve Thy body from decay" (Canon 1, Ode 6, Troparion 1).

Kissing the all-pure body with reverence and in awe, the Disciples in turn were blessed by it and filled with grace and spiritual joy. Through the great glorification of the Most Holy Theotokos, the almighty power of God healed the sick, who with faith and love touched the holy bed.

Bewailing their separation from the Mother of God, the Apostles prepared to bury Her all-pure body. The holy Apostles Peter, Paul, James and others of the Twelve Apostles carried the funeral bier upon their shoulders, and upon it lay the body of the Ever-Virgin Mary. Saint John the Theologian went at the head with the resplendent palm-branch from Paradise. The other saints and a multitude of the faithful accompanied the funeral bier with candles and censers, singing sacred songs. This solemn procession went from Sion through Jerusalem to the Garden of Gethsemane.

With the start of the procession there suddenly appeared over the all-pure body of the Mother of God and all those accompanying Her a resplendent circular cloud, like a crown. There was heard the singing of the Heavenly Powers, glorifying the Mother of God, which echoed that of the worldly voices. This circle of Heavenly singers and radiance accompanied the procession to the very place of burial.

Unbelieving inhabitants of Jerusalem, taken aback by the extraordinarily grand funeral procession and vexed at the honor accorded the Mother of Jesus, complained of this to the High Priest and scribes. Burning with envy and vengefulness toward everything that reminded them of Christ, they sent out their own servants to disrupt the procession and to set the body of the Mother of God afire.

An angry crowd and soldiers set off against the Christians, but the circular cloud accompanying the procession descended and surrounded them like a wall. The pursuers heard the footsteps and the singing, but could not see any of those accompanying the procession. Indeed, many of them were struck blind.

The Jewish priest Athonios, out of spite and hatred for the Mother of Jesus of Nazareth, wanted to topple the funeral bier on which lay the body of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, but an angel of God invisibly cut off his hands, which had touched the bier. Seeing such a wonder, Athonios repented and with faith confessed the majesty of the Mother of God. He received healing and joined the crowd accompanying the body of the Mother of God, and he became a zealous follower of Christ.

When the procession reached the Garden of Gethsemane, then amidst the weeping and the wailing began the last kiss to the all-pure body. Only towards evening were the Apostles able to place it in the tomb and seal the entrance to the cave with a large stone.

For three days they did not depart from the place of burial, praying and chanting Psalms. Through the wise providence of God, the Apostle Thomas was not to be present at the burial of the Mother of God. Arriving late on the third day at Gethsemane, he lay down at the tomb and with bitter tears asked that he might be permitted to look once more upon the Mother of God and bid her farewell. The Apostles out of heartfelt pity for him decided to open the grave and permit him the comfort of venerating the holy relics of the Ever-Virgin Mary. Having opened the grave, they found in it only the grave wrappings and were thus convinced of the bodily ascent of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Heaven.

On the evening of the same day, when the Apostles had gathered at a house to strengthen themselves with food, the Mother of God appeared to them and said: "Rejoice! I am with you all the days of your lives." This so gladdened the Apostles and everyone with them, that they took a portion of the bread, set aside at the meal in memory of the Savior ("the Lord's Portion"), and they exclaimed : "Most Holy Theotokos, save us". (This marks the beginning of the rite of offering up the "Panagia" ("All-Holy"), a portion of bread in honor of the Mother of God, which is done at monasteries to the present day).

The sash of the Mother of God, and Her holy garb, preserved with reverence and distributed over the face of the earth in pieces, have worked miracles both in the past and at present. Her numerous icons everywhere pour forth signs and healings, and Her holy body, taken up to Heaven, bears witness to our own future life there. Her body was not left to the vicissitudes of the transitory world, but was incomparably exalted by its glorious ascent to Heaven.

Welcome New Members

Please welcome new parish members: Vitalii, Liliia, Mykola and Sofiia Kapytsia who came recently from Vinnytsia, Ukraine. This hardworking and energetic family has blended in so naturally into the parish life that many thought they were members for a long time.

Вітайте нових парафіян: Віталія, Лілії, Миколу та Софію Ка́пицю, які нещодавно прибули із Вінниці. Ця працелюбива та енергійна сім'я так незамітно влилася у життя цієї парафії, що дехто вже думав, що вони вже парафіяни багато років.

May the Lord grant them many blessed years! Нехай Господь дарує многая і благая літа!

UOL Membership

The Ukrainian Orthodox League has brought us All Saints Camp, St. Sophia seminary, programming for youth and adults and scholarships for seminarians, priests and future lay leaders. Most importantly, it is the only organization that connects us all together, through fellowship at retreats, conventions, and other activities. If you would like to become a member at large, please see me with your $20 dues payment and I will take care of sending your membership in. You will also be getting the UOL Bulletin with your membership. Let's show our national UOL our support! Thank you Pam Scannell


We extend our sincere condolences to Lynn Muzyka whose mother past away two weeks ago. Praying for comfort and peace as she's mourning for her mother. Memory Eternal!

Church School Retreat

Church School students and their families are invited to Bhandari's cottage on Quaker Lake on Sunday, September 3 after church until 6pm.

Let's Help Ukraine!

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.

To make donation online click here

We accept checks as well.

Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Mailing address:

1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790


Cash is accepted in church

Pray for Ukraine!

Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.

Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.

May God bless and protect Ukraine!

Happy Birthday

  • August 28: Kendyl Gorick
  • August 28: Vitaliy White
  • August 28: Natalia Synevskyy
  • August 31: John Haluska

* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.

Please Pray for the Servants of God

Rose, Marlyn, Bob, Nadine,
John, Olga, Jane, Zenna,
Melanie, Helen, William, Marion,
Mariann, Jean, Brian, Pipinos, Fr. James

Upcoming Readings

Mon. Aug. 28 – Phil. 2:5-11; Lk. 10:38-42; 11:27-28;
Tue. Aug. 29 – Col. 1:12-18; Lk. 9:51-56; 10:22-24;
Wed. Aug. 30 – 2 Cor. 9:12 – 10:7; Mk. 3:20-27;
Thu. Aug. 31 – 2 Cor. 10:7-18; Mk. 3:28-35;
Fri. Sep. 1 – 2 Cor. 11:5-21; Mk. 4:1-9;
Sat. Sep. 2 – 1 Cor. 2:6-9; Mt. 22:15-22;

Contact Information

1 St. John's Parkway,
Johnson City, New York 13790

Priest: Fr. Ivan Synevskyy
Ph: (617) 646-9515
Priest's E-mail:

Parish Council President – Brian Baxendale
Ph.: (607) 205 - 2436
President's E-mail:

Vice President – Gary Dobransky
Ph.: (607) 797-2529



Українська Православна Церква св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті, штату Нью-Йорк, США. Знаходимось під духовною опікою Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія.

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Contact info

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя

  • 1 Saint John's Parkway, Johnson City NY
  • (607) 797-1584