Bulletin for February 2, 2025
Feb. 2 – 32 Sunday after Pentecost, of Zacchaeus. Tone 7
Ven. Euthymius the Great (473). Martyrs Inna, Pinna, and Rimma (lst-2nd c.). Martyrs Bassus, Eusebius, Eutychius, and Basilides at Nicomedia (303). Venn. Laurence the Recluse (13th-l4th c.) and Euthymius the Silent (14th c.), of the Kyiv Caves.
1 Tim. 4:9-15; Lk. 19:1-10;
Heb. 13:17-21; Lk. 6:17-23;
Feb. 9 – Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Tone 8
Translation of the relics of St. John Chrysostom (438).
2 Tim. 3:10-15 ; Lk. 18:10-14;
Heb. 7:26-8:2; Jn. 10:9-16;
Services & Other Events
2 February, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Oath of Office for Parish Council
- Memorial Service for Helen Rucky, and for PM Oksana's parents and other relatives.
- Kolachky balls after Divine Liturgy
- Annual St. Mary's Sisterhood Meeting
- 3:30pm - Piano Concert. Participants from Bhandari and Synevskyy families and a couple more.
8 February, Saturday:
- 8:00am – Kolachky
- 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня
9 February, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Super Bowl Sunday soup extravaganza
Апостол і Євангеліє - Gospel and Epistle of the Day
Martyrs Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas
The Holy Martyrs Innas, Pinnas and Rimmas were Slavs from Scythia Minor, who were disciples of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. He baptized them, and later he ordained them as priests. They assisted him in converting many idol-worshippers who had settled around the Danube River, near Varna in what is now Bulgaria. After being captured by the barbarians, Saints Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas were brought before the local prince, who was a pagan. He ordered them to offer sacrifice to the idols, and when they refused to deny Christ, they were tied to upright wooden poles and lowered into the freezing waters of the Danube. It was winter, and the river was so frozen that not only people, but even horse-drawn carts could travel over the ice. The Martyrs were lowered into the freezing water, and when the ice reached their necks, they surrendered their blessed souls to the Lord and received the crown of martyrdom. They are said to be the first Slavic Martyrs in recorded Church History.
After the death of the three Martyrs, some pious Christians buried their holy relics. Seven years after their martyric contest, the Saints appeared to Bishop Gedtz in a dream and ordered him to transfer their relics.
Their principal Feast Day is January 20. On June 20, we commemorate the transfer of their relics to the port of Alushta in the Crimea.
Мученики Інна, Пинна і Римма Новодунські
Святі мученики Інна, Пінна і Римма були слов'янами, із північної Скіфії, та були учнями святого апостола Андрія Первозванного. Вони вчили про ім'я Христове і хрестили багатьох варварів, навернувши їх до правої віри. За це були схоплені місцевим князем, який хотів було звабити їх різними спокусами й утішними обіцянками, але вони не схилилися на запропоновані їм почесті та за свою твердість віри в Христа були побиті без пощади.
У той час стояла сувора зима, і річки замерзли настільки, що їх могли переходити по льоду не лише люди, а й коні з возами. Князь наказав поставити в лід великі колоди і прив'язати до них святих, поступово опускаючи їх у студену воду. Коли лід дійшов до шиї святих, вони, змучені страшною холоднечею, віддали Господу свої блаженні душі.
У стародавньому слов'янському місяцеслові оповідається, що деякі християни поховали тоді тіла їхні, але потім єпископ Гедца вийняв їх із могили і, взявши на плечі свої, поклав у своїй церкві. Через сім років після смерті своєї святі мученики явилися тому ж єпископу та повеліли йому перенести мощі їхні до містечка, що називається Алікс, у сухе пристановище (Алікс є нинішня Алушта, що розташована на березі Чорного моря, на північний схід від Ялти. «Сухе» означає морську пристань).
2025 Parish Council
Congratulations to the newly elected Parish Council!
Pastor | Fr. Ivan Synevskyy |
President | Gary Dobransky |
Vice President | Brian Baxendale |
Secretary | Colleen Brown |
Assistant Secretary | Melinda Holicky |
Financial Secretary | Kristi Gorick |
Treasurer | Paul Marra |
Mem. Center Treasurer | Adrian Mihalko |
Auditors | Lisa Ferrante |
Nancy Tarcha | |
Julieann Marra | |
Trustees Terms Expire 2026 |
Jaqueline Bhandari |
John Maliwacki Jr. | |
Jody Dimitriou | |
Trustees Terms Expire 2027 |
Taras Moroz |
Michael J. Dobransky | |
Trustees Terms Expire 2028 |
Beverly Haluska |
Tia Dimitriou |
Join Brotherhood
Hey, Bro…(ther),
The Saint John's 'Brotherhood' will provide the meal for the sisterhood annual meeting on February 2. What is the Brotherhood? It's a loose knit group of St. John's men who support our Sisterhood. That's primarily the annual meal. But we can do more. If you want to join this fun loving group and help with this meal, contact Bill Scannell.
Sunday February 9th
Sunday, February 9th, after church Ukrainian Orthodox League fundraiser for Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Super Bowl Sunday soup extravaganza. Sign up to make a soup and we will be collecting donations to help those who are hungry and are fed at Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Please come and enjoy the warmth of your fellow parishioners.
Annual Blessing of Homes
The Annual Blessing of Homes with Theophany Holy water can be scheduled with Fr. Ivan until Feb. 14.
Contact Fr. Ivan to schedule annual blessing of your home.
22 February Holubtsi and Pirohy Sale

Spring 2025 Kitchen Sessions

Let's Help Ukraine!
St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.
To make donation online click here
We accept checks as well.
Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund
Mailing address:
1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790
Cash is accepted in church
Pray for Ukraine!
Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.
Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.
May God bless and protect Ukraine!
Please Note!
- Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
- If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
- We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarettes, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.
Happy Birthday
- February 03: Solomia Vozniuk
- February 03: Maxim Synevskyy
- February 04: Andrea Harder
- February 07: Colleen Brown
- February 08: Tymofii Burdyliak
* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.
Please Pray for the Servants of God
Mark, Carol, John, Rose, Bob, Nadine,
Dannette, John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Peyton Mary, Pipinos, Sharon Italiano
Upcoming Readings
Mon. Feb. 3 | 1 Pet. 2:21 – 3:9; | Mk. 12:13-17; |
Tue. Feb. 4 | 1 Pet. 3:10-22; | Mk. 12:18-27; |
Wed. Feb. 5 | 1 Pet. 4:1-11; | Mk. 12:28-37; |
Thu. Feb. 6 | 1 Pet. 4:12-5:5; | Mk. 12:38-44; |
Fri. Feb. 7 | 2 Pet. 1:1-10; | Mk. 13:1-8; |
Sat. Feb. 8 | 2 Tim. 1:11-19; | Lk. 18:2-8; |