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Апостол Юда Фадей

Bulletin for July 2, 2023

Apostle Jude, the Brother of the Lord

July 2 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3

Holy Apostle Jude, the Brother of the Lord (80). Martyr Zosimas the Soldier at Antioch in Pisidia (116). Ven. Paisius the Great of Egypt (400). Ven. John the Solitary of Jerusalem (586).

Rom. 6:18-23; Mt. 8:5-13;
Jude 1:1-10 ; Jn. 14:21-24;

Propers No Live Streaming Available

July 7 – Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus, and Longinus, in Georgia (3 rd c.)

Rom. 13:12-14:4;
Lk. 1:1-25, 57-68, 76, 80;

July 9 – 5th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4

St. David of Thessalonica (540). St. John, bishop of the Goths in Crimea (ca. 787).

Rom. 10:1-10; Mt. 8:28 – 9:1;

Services & Other Events

YouTube Livestreaming services can be found on YouTube TV search for Ivan Synevskyy

2‌ July, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія

4‌ July, Tuesday - Happy Independence Day!

  • NO Choir Rehearsal

5‌ July, Wednesday:

  • 5:45pm – Ukrainian Dance Practice
  • 6:30pm – Church Restoration Meeting

6‌ July, Thursday:

  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

7‌ July, Friday:

  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Боже́ственна Літургі́я

8‌ July, Saturday:

  • 10am – Baptism of Addison Grace Scannell
  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

9‌ July, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • Patron Saint Day Brunch following Divine Liturgy.
  • Church School retreat at Bhandari's Lake house on Quaker Lake following brunch.

11‌ July, Tuesday

  • 10:00am - Kitchen Session
  • 6:45pm – Choir Rehearsal for Ukrainian Day

12‌ July, Sts. Peter & Paul Day:

  • 9:30am - Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • 5:30pm - Tent set-up
  • 5:45pm – Ukrainian Dance Practice

13‌ July, Thursday

  • 7:30am - Process potatoes
  • 9:00am - Kitchen Session
  • 11:00am - Holubtsi packing and dishwashers

14‌ July, Friday

  • 3:00pm - Bake Sale prep

15‌ July, Ukrainian Day:

  • 11am — 7pm - Enjoy Ukrainian food, traditions, crafts, baked goods, dance, singing, beer and more...


Fr. Ivan can be reached by call/text c.617-646-9515 or email:


З Посла́ння до Римлян Свято́го Апо́стола Павла́ чита́ння (6:18-23)

Браття, звільнившись від гріха, ви стали рабами праведності. Кажу за людським міркуванням задля немочі плоті вашої. Як віддавали ви члени ваші в раби нечистоті і беззаконню для діл беззаконних, так нині представте члени ваші в раби праведності для діл святих. Бо, коли ви були рабами гріха, тоді були вільні від праведності. Який же плід ви мали тоді? Такі діла, яких тепер самі соромитесь, бо кінець їхній – смерть. А нині, коли ви звільнилися від гріха і стали рабами Богові, плід ваш є святість, а кінець – життя вічне. Бо відплата за гріх – смерть, а дар Божий – життя вічне у Христі Ісусі, Господі нашому.

Із Соборного Посла́ння Свято́го Апо́стола Іуди́ чита́ння (1:1-10)

Браття, Іуда, раб Ісуса Христа, брат Якова, покликаним, що освячені Богом Отцем і збережені Ісусом Христом: милість вам і мир, і любов хай примножаться. Улюблені! маючи старання писати вам про загальне спасіння, я визнав за потрібне написати вам благання – подвизатися за віру, раз і назавжди передану святим. Бо вкралися деякі люди, що здавна призначені до цього осуду, нечестиві, які благодать Бога нашого обертають у привід до розпусти і відрікаються єдиного Владики Бога і Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. Я хочу нагадати вам, які вже знаєте це, що Господь, визволивши народ із землі Єгипетської, потім погубив тих, що не вірували, і ангелів, які не зберегли свого достоїнства, але залишили своє житло, Він зберігає у вічних кайданах, під темрявою на суд великого дня. Як Содом і Гоморра та навколишні міста, які подібно до них блудодіяли і ходили за іншою плоттю, зазнавши кари вогню вічного, поставлені в приклад,– так само буде і з цими мрійниками, що оскверняють плоть, зневажають начальства і лихословлять високі власті. Михаїл Архангел, коли говорив з дияволом, сперечаючись про Мойсеєве тіло, не смів промовити докірливого суду, але сказав: хай заборонить тобі Господь. А ці лихословлять те, чого не знають; а що знають з природи, як безсловесні тварини, тим розтлівають себе.


Від Матфея 8:5-13;

Коли ж увійшов Ісус у Капернаум, підійшов до Нього сотник і благав Його: Господи! слуга мій вдома лежить розслаблений і тяжко страждає. Ісус говорить йому: Я прийду і зцілю його. Сотник же, відповідаючи, сказав: Господи! я недостойний, щоб Ти увійшов під покрівлю мою, але промов тільки слово, і видужає слуга мій; бо я і підвладна людина, але, маючи під собою воїнів, кажу одному: «іди», і йде; і другому: «прийди», і приходить; і слузі моєму: «зроби це», і зробить. Почувши це, Ісус здивувався і сказав тим, що йшли за Ним: істинно кажу вам, і в Ізраїлі не знайшов Я такої віри. Кажу ж вам, що багато прийдуть від сходу й заходу і возляжуть з Авраамом, Ісааком і Яковом у Царстві Небесному; а сини царства вигнані будуть у тьму безпросвітню: там буде плач і скрегіт зубів. І сказав Ісус сотникові: іди, і як вірив ти, хай буде тобі. І одужав слуга його в ту ж мить.

Від Іоанна 14:21-24

Хто має заповіді Мої і дотримується їх, той любить Мене; а хто любить Мене, той возлюблений буде Отцем Моїм; і Я полюблю його і явлюся йому Сам. Іуда, не Іскаріот, говорить Йому: Господи! що це, що Ти хочеш явити Себе нам, а не світові? Ісус сказав йому у відповідь: хто любить Мене, той слово Моє виконуватиме; і Отець Мій полюбить його, і Ми прийдемо до нього і оселю сотворимо у нього. А хто не любить Мене, слів Моїх не виконує; слово ж, яке ви чуєте, не Моє, а Отця, Який послав Мене.

Apostle Jude the Brother of the Lord

The Holy Apostle Jude, one of the twelve apostles of Christ, is descended from King David and Solomon, and was the son of Righteous Joseph the Betrothed (Sunday after the Nativity of the Lord) by his first wife.

The Holy Apostle John the Theologian writes in his Gospel, "... neither did his brethren believe in Him" (John. 7:5). Saint Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, explains this passage. He says that at the beginning of the Lord Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, Joseph's sons, Jude among them, did not believe in His divine nature. Tradition says that when Saint Joseph returned from Egypt, he began to divide his possessions among his sons. He wanted to allot a share to Christ the Savior, born miraculously and incorruptibly from the All-Pure Virgin Mary. The brothers were opposed to this because Jesus was born of another mother. Only James, later called "The Brother of God," offered to share his portion with Him.

Jude came to believe in Christ the Savior as the awaited Messiah, and he followed Him and was chosen as one of the twelve Apostles. Mindful of his sin, the Apostle Jude considered himself unworthy to be called the Lord's brother, and in his Epistle he calls himself merely the brother of James.

The Holy Apostle Jude also had other names: the Evangelist Matthew terms him "Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddeus" (Mt. 10:3). The Holy Evangelist Mark also calls him Thaddeus (Mark 3:18), and in the Acts of the Holy Apostles he is called Barsabas (Acts 15: 22). This was customary at that time.

After the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Jude traveled about preaching the Gospel. He propagated the faith in Christ at first in Judea, Galilee, Samaria and Idumaia, and later in the lands of Arabia, Syria and Mesopotamia. Finally, he went to the city of Edessa. Here he finished the work that was not completed by his predecessor, Saint Thaddeus, Apostle of the Seventy (August 21). There is a tradition that Saint Jude went to Persia, where he wrote his catholic Epistle in Greek. In the Epistle much profound truth was expressed in a few words.

Saint Jude's Epistle speaks about the Holy Trinity, about the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, about the good and bad angels, and about the dread Last Judgment. The Apostle urges believers to guard themselves against fleshly impurity, to be diligent in prayer, faith and love, to convert the lost to the path of salvation, and to guard themselves from the teachings of heretics. He also says that it is not enough just to be converted to Christianity, but faith must be demonstrated by good works. He cites the rebellious angels and men punished by God (verse 6) to support this.

The Holy Apostle Jude died as a martyr around the year 80 near Mt. Ararat in Armenia, where he was crucified and pierced by arrows.

Апостол Юда Яковів

Тадей (Фадей, Юда Фадеїв, Юда Тадей, Юда Яковів, Левій, грец. Ιούδας Θαδδαῖος, лат. Judas Thaddeus) — один із дванадцяти апостолів Ісуса Христа (Мр. 3. 18), (Лк. 6. 16). Не слід плутати його з Юдою Іскаріотським, який зрадив Ісуса.

Юда Фадеїв був обраний Христом одним із дванадцяти апостолів та згаданий у всіх чотирьох Євангеліях та Діяннях Апостолів.

У Євангелії від Матвія (Мт.10:3) та в Євангелії від Марка (Мк.3:18) згадується просто апостол з іменем Тадей, який є на думку більшості дослідників Юдою Тадеєм.

У Євангелії від Луки (Лк. 6:16) та Діянях Апостолів (Дії 1:13) згаданий у списку апостолів за іменем «Юда, (син) Якова»

Іван Богослов у Євангелії від Іоанна розповідаючи про перебіг Тайної вечері називає його «Юда ж — не Іскаріотський» та передає запитальні слова апостола до Ісуса Христа: «Господи, що таке сталося, що не світові, а нам ти себе об'явиш?»[1]. На що Ісус йому відповідає «Коли хтось мене любить, то й слово моє берегтиме і злюбить його мій Отець…»

У середні віки Тадея ототожнювали як брата святого апостола Якова Алфеївого, або Якова Меншого, мати якого, Марія Клеопова, приходилася сестрою Матері Ісуса. Отже, таким чином Яків Алфеїв був Діві Марії небожем (племінником), а Ісусові — двоюрідним братом. Тадей, природно, теж один із братів Ісуса Христа. Ці висновки частково підтверджуються словами «Юда, слуга Ісуса Христа, брат Якова,..» з Послання Юди — однієї з книг Нового Заповіту і авторство якого приписується апостолу Тадею[3].

Про його життя і діяльність ми знаємо дуже мало. Відомо лише, що Тадей вірно служив Господеві. Він проповідував Євангеліє спершу в Юдеї, Галілеї, Самарії, Ідумеї, потім в Аравії, Сирії, Месопотамії, а під кінець у Персії та Вірменії.

Закінчив Тадей своє життя у муках. Його повісили на дереві, а потім стріляли у нього стрілами. За переданням на могилі святого Тадея збудований вірменський Монастир Святого Тадея, що розташований поблизу міста Маку у провінції Західний Азербайджан в Ірані.

Venerable Paisius the Great

Saint Paisius the Great lived in Egypt. His parents, Christians, distributed generous alms to all the needy.

After the death of her husband his mother, on the suggestion of an angel, gave her young son Paisius to the clergy of the church.

The youth Paisius loved monastic life and spent his time in one of the Egyptian sketes. Renouncing his own will, he lived under the spiritual guidance of Saint Pambo (July 18), finishing all the tasks assigned him. The Elder said that a new monk in particular needs to preserve his sight, in order to guard his senses from temptation. Paisius, heeding the instruction, went for three years with his eyes cast downwards. The saintly ascetic read spiritual books, and he was known for his ascetic fasting and prayer. At first he did not eat any food for a week, then two weeks. Sometimes, after partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, he survived without food for seventy days.

Saint Paisius went into the Nitrian desert in search of solitude. There he lived in a cave carved out by his own hands. The saint was granted a wondrous vision: the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to him that through his labors the Nitrian wilderness would become inhabited by ascetics. He asked the Lord where the monks would obtain the necessities of life in the desert. The Lord said that if they would fulfill all His commandments, He Himself would provide all their necessities, and would deliver them from demonic temptations and cunning.

In time, a number of monks and laymen gathered around Saint Paisius, and a monastery was established. The most important rule of Saint Paisius was that no one would do anything by his own will, but in all things would fulfill the will of his elders.

Since his tranquility was being disturbed by so many people, the saint withdrew to another cave farther away. Once, he was transported to a paradisical monastery and partook of the immaterial divine food. After his ascetic labors for salvation, the Lord granted His saint the gift of prescience and healing the souls of men.

One of his disciples, with the saint's blessing, went to sell his handicrafts in Egypt. On the way he encountered a Jew, who told the simple-minded monk that Christ the Savior is not the Messiah, and that another Messiah will come. Confused, the monk said, "Maybe what you say is true," but he did not attribute any particular significance to his words. When he returned, he saw that Saint Paisius would not acknowledge his arrival, and he asked the reason for his anger. The saint said, "My disciple was a Christian. You are not a Christian, for the grace of Baptism has departed from you." The monk repented with tears, and begged to have his sin forgiven. Only then did the holy Elder pray and ask the Lord to forgive the monk.

A certain monk on his own initiative left the desert and moved near a city. There he had encounters with a woman, who hated and blasphemed Christ the Savior. Under her influence, he not only left the monastery, but also scorned faith in Christ, and finally he reached a state of total disbelief.

Once, through the blessed Providence of God, Nitrian monks came by his home. Seeing them, the sinner remembered his own former life and he asked the monks to ask Saint Paisius to pray for him to the Lord. On hearing the request, the saint prayed fervently, and his prayer was heard. The Lord, appearing to His saint, promised to forgive the sinner. Soon the seduced monk's woman companion died, and he returned to the desert where, weeping and distressed for his sins, he began to labor at deeds of repentance.

Saint Paisius distinguished himself by his great humility, and performed ascetic deeds of fasting and prayer, but he concealed them from others as far as possible. When the monks asked which virtue is the highest of all, the saint replied, "Those which are done in secret, and about which no one knows."

Saint Paisius died in the fifth century at a great old age, and he was buried by the monks. After some time his relics were transferred by Saint Isidore of Pelusium (February 4) to his own monastery and placed beside the relics of his friend Saint Paul, with whom Saint Paisius was particularly close during his life.

Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 247th Anniversary of US Independence

247th Anniversary of US Independence

3 July, 2023

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The annual celebration of Independence Day in our country is an opportunity for all to reflect on the value of freedom, its role in the history of the United States of America, and the opportunities it provides for life, relationships and well-being.  The value and priority of independence is evident throughout the history of our nation. The struggles to achieve it have made possible all the great accomplishments and progress of our nation through the freedom to think, to speak, to progress, to invent, and to succeed.

Our Founding Fathers declared, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." That declarative statement was a watershed moment in world history. It marked a new age in political thought, one that sought to shape the laws of man to ensure that the God-given rights and dignity of every individual would be upheld without discrimination. This political revolution sought to achieve not only the emancipation of the human person, but also the emancipation of the human soul.

As Ukrainian Americans and Orthodox Christians we celebrate this freedom.  More than ever, in the time of the attempted invasion by Russia of our ancestral homeland, we recognize the blessings that freedom has provided to our families and ourselves as we live, work, and worship in the United States of America.  We also recognize the value of freedom in emphasizing our heritage and identity.  We are free to share this heritage in an environment that values freedom of expression and the open sharing of ideas and diversity.

We have much to offer from our historic heritage as well.  As members of this society and as Orthodox Christians we know we are truly free when our pursuits and goals are not for ourselves but for the benefit and spiritual well-being of others and for the honor and glory of God.  Our freedom to speak is an opportunity to proclaim the Gospel.  Our freedom to live securely is freedom to place our ultimate trust in God.  Our freedom to achieve is the opportunity for spiritual growth in communion with God and to guide others to do the same.  Our freedom to believe is that being inspired with the Grace of God, we have the ability to be powerful and beautiful witnesses through our worship in truth and love.

Our country is built by immigrants, and each of our families has a migration story - some recent and others in the distant past. Each generation of Americans has faced its own set of grave challenges to the basic principles of our political system of thought. Over nearly two and half centuries, "We the People" have survived revolution, civil war, pandemics, the Great Depression, World Wars, the Cold War, social turbulence regarding race relations, terrorist attacks and much more. These days we face new challenges, caused by international pandemic and economic threats, ongoing wars in countries across the globe and senseless mass murders happening in our cities, towns and villages. These challenges require our sincere engagement in the process of preservation of the sanctity of life and our moral and social precepts – both civil and spiritual.

Historically, we have always overcome darkness and emerged brighter, fueled by optimism, faith and a common bond of civic responsibility to one another. Our nation has never triumphed over a moment of crisis in a perfect state. There always has been, and likely always will be, room to do better as individuals and as a country. The tragic ongoing shootings are evidence enough that we have a long way to go and that there is much work yet to be done.

Our Church's teachings and our Faith continually reinforce our obligatory bond to one another. We must work each day to ensure that all those who suffer and who are oppressed be set free and that they be allowed to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As brothers and sisters in Christ we must embrace unity and diversity in thought and action.

Our American dream cannot be shattered. It is up to each of us to live that dream and to assist others in doing the same. We urge everyone to open their hearts to the needs of the other today—to recognize the opportunities before us to accompany those in difficult situations and to stand in solidarity with those fighting for justice.

As we join with family, communities and as a nation in the observance of Independence Day and the celebration of freedom, may we affirm our commitment to sharing the true freedom we have to improve the lives all our fellow citizens in any type of need.  May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.


By the Grace of God, Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA

By the Grace of God, Archbishop of the UOC of the USA

July 15, 2023 - Ukrainian Day Festival

Our Ukrainian Day Festival scheduled for
Saturday, July 15th from 11am - 7pm is growing near!

Dear St. John's Family,

Below are a few reminders to make our Festival a success:

PRE-FESTIVAL WORK SESSIONS are published in the bulletin. Kitchen sessions are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  Tent and Memorial Center setups are scheduled for Wednesday starting at 5:30 pm.  Bake Sale prep is scheduled for Friday at 3pm. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

BAKE SALE: Please make and bake your fabulous "Specialties" for our bake sale. Please drop off Friday (best - kitchen doors will be open) or Saturday by 9am.  Thank you bakers!!

BASKETS RAFFLE:  Please create your wonderful baskets for this year's Ukrainian Day Festival.  Please drop off wrapped baskets by Wednesday, July 12th. Thanks so much for all you do!

THE SIGN-UP BOARD is waiting for you to "fill in the blanks" and spend the day working, laughing, praying and enjoying each other as "One Parish Family".  Please volunteer… try something new…honor your times… have fun!

SELL YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS: A great way to raise money and get your friends, family and neighbors to attend our Festival!  Please turn in your tickets, both sold and unsold,  no later than Saturday by 11am to the Raffle Booth / Baskets Raffle area.

PLEASE DONATE to offset our expenses.  This message is for all who are out of town, unable to volunteer, as well as for those who give 110% to our Festival and Church!  We can always use your kind and generous donations!

PLEASE RETURN any borrowed tables, chairs and kitchen trays/supplies by Tuesday, July 11th. Thank you!

May God Bless you all and pray for great weather!

Miranda Klish

Let's Help Ukraine!

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.

To make donation online click here

We accept checks as well.

Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Mailing address:

1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790


Cash is accepted in church

Pray for Ukraine!

Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.

Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.

May God bless and protect Ukraine!

Happy Birthday

  • July 02: Julieanne Marra
  • July 04: Robert Holicky
  • July 04: Jessica Ellsworth
  • July 05: Michael Dobransky
  • July 08: Dr. John Tylko

* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.

Please Pray for the Servants of God

Rose, Marlyn, Bob, Nadine,
John, Olga, Jane, Lesia, Zenna,
Melanie, Helen, William, Marion,
Mariann, Jean, Brian, Pipinos,
Peter, William, Kristi, Fr. James

Upcoming Readings

Mon. July 3 – Rom. 12:4-5, 15-21; Mt. 12:9-13;
Tue. July 4 – Rom. 14:9-18; Mt. 12:14-16, 22-30;
Wed. July 5 – Rom. 15:7-16; Mt. 12:38-45;
Thu. July 6 – Rom. 15:17-29; Mt. 12:46–13:3 ;
Fri. July 7 – Rom. 13:12-14:4; Lk. 1:1-25, 57-68, 76, 80;
Sat. July 8 – Rom. 8:14-21; Mt. 9:9-13;

Contact Information

1 St. John's Parkway,
Johnson City, New York 13790

Priest: Fr. Ivan Synevskyy
Ph: (617) 646-9515
Priest's E-mail:

Parish Council President – Brian Baxendale
Ph.: (607) 205 - 2436
President's E-mail:

Vice President – Gary Dobransky
Ph.: (607) 797-2529



Українська Православна Церква св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті, штату Нью-Йорк, США. Знаходимось під духовною опікою Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія.

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Contact info

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя

  • 1 Saint John's Parkway, Johnson City NY
  • (607) 797-1584