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St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kyiv (992) - Свт. Михаїла, першого митр. Київського (992)

Bulletin for October 13, 2024

Oct. 13 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7

Hieromartyr Gregory, bishop of Greater Armenia (335). Martyrs Rhipsima and Gaiana and companions, of Armenia (4th c.). St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kyiv (992).

2 Cor. 6:1-10; Lk. 6:31-36;
1 Cor. 16:13-24; Mt. 24:42-47
Heb. 7:26-8:2; Mt. 5:14-19

Oct. 20 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 8

Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus in Syria (290-303). Martyrs Julian, presbyter, and Caesarius, deacon, at Terracina (1st c.). Virgin-martyr Pelagia of Tarsus (287). Martyr Polychronius of Gamphanitus (4th c.). St. Sergius the Obedient of the Kyiv Caves (13th c.).

2 Cor. 6:16–7:1; Lk. 7:11-16;
Heb. 11:33-40; Lk. 21:8-19;

Services & Other Events

13 October, Sunday:

  • 9am – Confession / Hours
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія

14 October, Protection of Mother of God - Покрова

  • 5:30pm – Akathist to Mother of God - Акафіст до Богородиці

16 October, Wednesday:

  • CANCELLED – Finance Committee Meeting

19 October, Saturday:

  • 4pm – 40th Wedding Anniversary Prayer blessing of William and Pamela Scannell
  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

20 October, Sunday:

  • 9am – Confession / Hours
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія

21 October, Monday:

  • 7pm – Parish Council Meeting

Апостол і Євангеліє

Дивіться у вказівках

Saint Michael, first Metropolitan of Kyiv

Saint Michael the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, according to the Joakimov chronicle, was a Syrian by birth, but according to other chronicles, he was a Bulgarian or Serb. In the year 989, he arrived at Korsun with other clergy for holy Prince Volodymyr (July 15), not long after Volodymyr's Baptism (988).

As first metropolitan of the Kyivan Rus Church his service was difficult, but grace-filled. He zealously made the rounds of the newly-enlightened Kyivan Land, preaching the Holy Gospel, baptizing and teaching the newly-illumined people, founding the first churches and religious schools.

In Rostov he established the first wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and installed Theodore the Greek there as bishop. Saint Michael was a wise and gentle, but also strict hierarch. The Kyivan Church has preserved the memory of the saint's praiseworthy deeds. In the Synodikon of the Novgorod and Kyiv Sophia cathedrals he is rightfully called the initiator.

Saint Michael died in the year 992 and was buried in the Desyatin-Tithe church of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kyiv. In about the year 1103, under the Igumen Saint Theoctistus (afterwards Bishop of Chernigov, August 5), his relics were transferred to the Antoniev Cave, and on October 1, 1730 into the Great Church of the Caves.

Formerly, his memory was celebrated on September 2, along with Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. There is a trace of this earlier celebration in the service to Saint Michael. In the second verse of the "Praises" we sing: "Having begun the new year, we offer you our first songs, O blessed one, for you were the beginning of the hierarchy in the Kyivan land."

Saint Michael is commemorated twice during the Church year. His principal Feast Day is on June 15 (his blessed repose in 992). He is also commemorated on September 30/October 13 (the transfer of his relics).

Hieromartyr Gregory, Bishop of Greater Armenia, Equal of the Apostles, Enlightener of Armenia

The Hieromartyr Gregory, Enlightener of Greater Armenia, was born in the year 257. He was descended from a line of Parthian Arsakid kings. Anak, the father of Saint Gregory, was a Parthian by birth. In his quest for the Armenian throne, Anak and his brother attacked their kinsman, King Kursar with their swords, leaving him mortally wounded. The King's servants found him still alive, and he was able to tell them what had happened. Before he expired, the King ordered the execution of Anak, his brother, and also their wives and children. The murderers were caught by a river, where they were slain and their bodies were thrown into the water.

One of Anak's relatives saved Gregory and his brother, who were infants, and hid them in his home. There was a revolt in Armenia, and King Artasirus of Persia was able to conquer Armenia and bring it under his rule. As for Arak's sons: one was taken to Persia, and Gregory was sent to the Roman Empire.

When he reached adulthood, Gregory lived in Caesarea in Cappadocia, where he was converted to the Christian Faith. Gregory married, and had two sons, but soon was left a widower. Gregory raised his sons in piety. One of them, Orthanes, later became a priest, and the other, Arostanes, was tonsured as a monk and went into the wilderness to live in solitude.

In order to atone for the sin of his father, who had murdered the father of Tiridates, Gregory entered into the latter's service, and was a faithful servant to him. Tiridates, who was serving in the Roman army, loved Gregory like a friend, but when he learned that Gregory was a Christian, he became angry. Saint Gregory, however, ignored his master's unjust wrath.

When the Goths attacked the Roman Empire, the Prince of the Goths challenged the Emperor to single combat. The Emperor was afraid to fight the Prince, so he had Tiridates put on his armor and take his place. Tiridates defeated his adversary without using his sword, and led him as a captive to the Emperor. Then the entire Gothic army was defeated. In gratitude, the Emperor made Tiridates King of Armenia. When Tiridates offered sacrifice to his "gods" for his new position, he wanted Gregory to sacrifice with him. Gregory refused, and so Tiridates ordered that he be tortured.

The Saint was suspended head downward, with a stone about his neck, and for several days they choked him with a foul-smelling smoke, they beat and ridiculed him, and forced him to walk in iron sandals inset with nails.

During these torments, Saint Gregory sang Psalms. In prison the Lord healed all his wounds. When Gregory stood before the King cheerful and unharmed, he was astonished and ordered that the torments be repeated. Saint Gregory endured them, not wavering, with his former determination and bearing. They then poured hot tin over him and threw him into a pit filled with snakes, scorpions, and other poisonous creatures. The Lord, however, spared His chosen one, and he was left unharmed.

Some pious women kept him alive for fourteen years by feeding him with bread, secretly lowering it into the pit. A holy angel appeared to the martyr, strengthening and encouraging him. During this time King Tiridates killed the holy virgin Saint Ripsimia (Ριψιµία, or Ριψίµη), the Eldress Gaianḗ (Γαϊανή), and 32 other Virgin Martyrs (some sources say 35) from Asia Minor. Tiridates, who seemed to have lost his mind after this, recovered six days later. Then the wrath of God struck King Tiridates, his associates, and the soldiers who had participated in the execution of the virgins. Beset by demons, their appearance resembled wild boars, as once happened to Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:30). Running through forests and fields, they tore their clothes and devoured their own flesh.

Saint Gregory was taken from from the pit, and then he was washed, dressed in clean clothes, and fed. Then he was led to the King. Everyone bowed before him, begging him to ask God to heal the King as well as the others responsible for killing the Holy Virgin Martyrs. First, the Saint asked about their relics, which remained unburied for nine days. Saint Gregory buried the bodies, and then began preaching to the people, urging them to turn away from the darkness of idolatry and toward Christ. The people came to believe in Christ, and wanted to build a large church. When it was completed, Saint Gregory had the relics of the holy nuns brought into it. Then he led King Tiridates to the church before the bodies of the Saints whom he had slain, so that they might pray to Christ for him. He repented, and at once his face was restored to its original appearance once more.

Soon all of Armenia was converted to Christ. The temples of the idols were destroyed, and churches for the worship of the only true God were built. Saint Gregory ordained priests, established schools, founded monasteries, and provided for the good order of the Church.

After this, Saint Gregory went into the wilderness, where he ended his earthly life in a manner pleasing to the Lord. His son Aristanes was made a bishop in Cappadocia, and was one of the 318 Holy Fathers of the Council of Nicea.

Святитель Михаїл, перший митрополит Київський

Про життя святителя Михаїла, першого митрополита Київського, відомо небагато. У літописних джерелах подаються різні відомості про національність святителя, не встановлено точно його походження: болгарське або ж сирійське. Але не так важлива його національність: святитель Михаїл як просвітитель послужив викоріненню язичництва і насадженню благодатного християнського вчення на наших землях.

Святий проповідував без перекладача, але водночас не сприйняв в себе язичницький дух Русі, а утвердив замість язичництва Євангеліє. Він зміг стати для русичів справжнім добрим пастирем, який прибув на ці землі за часів Хрещення Русі і тут поширював слово істини в перші роки після цієї доленосної події 988 року.

Згідно з Никонівським літописом, святитель Михаїл «був муж, премудрий розумом, такий, що навчає, і святого життя», і не інакше як Промислом Божим можна назвати рішення святого патріарха Константинопольського Миколая Хрисоверга про призначення цього великого святителя на Київську кафедру. Святитель Михаїл немовби прихований від загального погляду у світлі величі святого рівноапостольного князя Володимира, але, найімовірніше, він хрестив наш народ, коли князь «Красне Сонечко» радів за свій новопросвітлений Святим Хрещенням народ.

Не тільки в Києві довелося потрудитися святителю Михаїлу. Його проповідь чули багато міст і селищ Русі, зокрема Ростов і Новгород. Завдяки його працям, молитві і особистому прикладу люди, котрі щойно почули про Христа, могли повною мірою відчути ту повноту благодаті, яку ця звістка за собою несла. Будучи главою новоствореної Київської Митрополії, святитель Михаїл зробив все для того, щоб люди побачили світло істини, щоб вони не лише зустрілися з Живим Богом, а й назавжди залишилися християнами, як за буквою, так і за духом.

Все життя святителя Михаїла, першого митрополита Київського і всієї Русі, було одним великим подвигом. Це був подвиг служіння ближнім, подвиг безперервної молитви, подвиг послуху священноначаллю, яке призначило йому таке місце служіння. Він їхав на Русь і не знав, що його чекає. Так, не скрізь приймав язичницький народ проповідь про Христа. Але те насіння, ті зерна правди і любові, котрі посіяв в серці нашого народу святитель Михаїл, виросли й дали рясні плоди, якими всі ми зараз маємо можливість користуватися, бачити, доторкатися до них. Величезна кількість храмів, священнослужителів і прихожан, — ось той плід, який зараз споглядає святитель Михаїл, перебуваючи біля Престолу Творця і молячись за кожного із нас.

Fall Festival

Sun Oct. 27th after Church in the Memorial center.

Non-scary Costumes, games, music & lunch. Bring a friend, everyone is welcome to join the fun.

St. John's UHF Logo

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Ukrainian Families Seeking Sponsors: We have requests from two Ukrainian families seeking sponsors to help them secure travel authorizations to the United States in accordance with the U.S. Government's United for Ukraine Program. Our St. John's Ukrainian Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance Committee stands ready to assist any prospective sponsors who are willing to step forward to help these families in need.

1. The Sakhno Family of four: Maxim, Olha, 14 year old son Artem and 7 year old son Artur with cerebral palsy. The family is originally from Zaporozhe, Ukraine and is temporarily residing in the Czech Republic where the younger child is in rehabilitation and could benefit greatly from medical treatment in the United States. Family members have some English language skills.

2. The Lytovchenko Family of four: Serhii, Iryna, daughter Sofiia, and son Andrii. The family is originally from Bucha, Ukraine the town where invading Russian forces committed countless war crimes against civilians in 2022. They evacuated from Bucha and are currently in the Zarkarpatia Region of Western Ukraine. Both parents have advanced degrees, the husband served and the mother is serving in the Army of Ukraine and they hope to secure their children's future peace and security in the United States.

For further information on how you can work with our committee to respond to these pleas for help please contact Fr. Ivan or Stephan Wasylko (607-754-1204). Thank you in advance for your consideration, empathy and compassion.


Please welcome newly-baptized Mackenzie Mary Shirk, daughter of Nicholas and Katie Shirk. Congratulations to the family, sponsors and extended family. God grant you many blessed years!

Kitchen Schedule

Schedule is subject to change, updates are published in the bulletin and email newsletters

  • Sunday  10/13  @ Coffee Hour Nut Balls 
    Monday  10/14  8:00 Kolachky
    Wednesday  10/16   6-7:00pm -  2 men to load roasters in ovens and juice them
    12:00 midnight -  Turn ovens on (375 degrees) 
    Thursday  10/17 7:00 2 Men to take holubtsi out of ovens
    8:00 Holubtsi Packing – Roaster washing
    Friday  10/18  10:00 Holubtsi/Pirohy Bagging
    Saturday  10/19  10:00 - 12noon  Holubtsi/Pirohy Sale (Need 9:00 attendance)

Bake Sale Oct. 19, 2024

Let's Help Ukraine!

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.

To make donation online click here

We accept checks as well.

Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Mailing address:

1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790


Cash is accepted in church

Pray for Ukraine!

Pray For Ukraine

Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.

Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.

May God bless and protect Ukraine!

Please Note!

  • Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
  • If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
  • We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarets, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.

Please Pray for the Servants of God

Rose, Marlyn, Bob, Nadine, Dannette,
John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Peyton Mary, Michael Dobransky

Upcoming Readings

Mon. Oct. 14 –  Eph. 1:22-2:3;  Lk. 6:24-30;
Tue. Oct. 15 –  Eph. 2:19-3:7;  Lk. 6:37-45;
Wed. Oct. 16 –  Eph. 3:8-21;  Lk. 6:46-7:1;
Thu. Oct. 17 –  Eph. 4:14-19;  Lk. 7:17-30;
Fri. Oct. 18 –  Eph. 4:17-25;  Lk.7:31-35;
Sat. Oct. 19 –  1 Cor. 14:20-25;  Lk. 5:27-32;


Українська Православна Церква св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті, штату Нью-Йорк, США. Знаходимось під духовною опікою Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія.

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Contact info

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя

  • 1 Saint John's Parkway, Johnson City NY
  • (607) 797-1584