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The Conception of the Honorable, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

Bulletin for October 6, 2024

Oct. 6 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6

The Conception of the Honorable, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John. St. Xanthippa and Polyxena (109). Virgin-martyr Irais (Rhais) of Alexandria (308). Martyrs Andrew, John, Peter, and Antoninus (886).

2 Cor. 4:6-15; Lk. 5:1-11;
Gal. 4:22-31; Lk. 1:5-25

Oct. 13 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7

Hieromartyr Gregory, bishop of Greater Armenia (335). Martyrs Rhipsima and Gaiana and companions, of Armenia (4th c.). St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kyiv (992).

2 Cor. 6:1-10; Lk. 6:31-36;
1 Cor. 16:13-24; Mt. 24:42-47
Heb. 7:26-8:2; Mt. 5:14-19

Services & Other Events

6 October, Sunday:

  • 9am – Confession / Hours
  • 9:30am – Hierarchical Divine Liturgy - Архієрейська Божественна Літургія
  • Parish Fellowship – Парафіальний обід

12 October, Saturday:

  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

13 October, Sunday:

  • 9am – Confession / Hours
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія

16 October, Wednesday:

  • 7pm – Finance Committee Meeting

Апостол і Євангеліє

Дивіться у вказівках

The miracle of the fish

In today's gospel reading we hear Christ say to Peter: "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." And Peter replied: "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net." All night we have caught nothing. Since, however, you tell me to, straightway I will cast the net again.

Yes, things are just that simple. And yet, within such simple words and actions we prove whether we act correctly or not, whether we take or do not take the correct stance before God, whether we listen or do not listen to him, and whether we respond or do not respond to the things he says. We prove, finally, whether we are saved or not saved.

Unfortunately, man disbelieves certain things simply in order feel justified, or to complain. The Lord is present in every particular instance. As he became man, he founded his Church and exists within us. It remains to each of us, however, for our good intentions to deepen. And for us not to be complacent with our good intentions. Instead, we ought to be ready to hear, to understand and to do that which we ought to. It should not be difficult for us to be aware of and to confess our idleness and failures. This very thing works to make us believe even more in those things that the Lord says.

The Lord always says: "Do not despair, do not see things from the perspective of your own successes or failures. Listen to what I have to tell you." We must listen willingly, without excuses and objecting to obedience, in the same way the apostle Peter does here: "nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net."

And we immediately see results: They caught a lot of fish, even though they were fishing at the wrong hour. But that is of no importance. What is of importance, however, is what God says. What we see the Lord say here to his disciples, he is also saying more generally to us and for us –in each and every unique circumstance.

Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos

Преподобні жони Ксанфіппа і Поліксенія

Преподобні Ксанфіппа і Поліксенія були рідними сестрами й жили в Іспанії за часів святих апостолів. Вперше про Божественне вчення Христа Спасителя вони почули від святого апостола Павла, коли він проповідував у їхній країні. Преподобна Ксанфіппа разом зі своїм чоловіком Провом прийняли християнство.

Свята Поліксенія була ще язичницею, коли її незвичайною красою спокусився один чоловік і насильно відвіз її до Греції. Але Господь оберіг від пошкодження преподобну. Пливучи на кораблі, вона чула проповідь святого апостола Петра і увірувала у Христа. Після прибуття до Греції преподобна Поліксенія звернулася до заступництва й захисту християн і була прийнята ними в місті Патри Ахайської області.

Там вона прийняла християнство і була охрещена самим апостолом Андрієм Первозванним. Преподобна стала свідком його чудес, а також смиренного перенесення ним катування і мук. Вона стояла біля хреста, на якому розіп'яли святого апостола.

Після його мученицької кончини преподобна Поліксенія повернулася до Іспанії, де разом зі старшою сестрою Ксанфіппою навертала багатьох язичників до християнства. Близько сорока років трудилася преподобна Поліксенія у проповіді Євангелія в Іспанії і навернула до християнства безліч язичників. Преподобна Ксанфіппа розділяла подвиг і труди своєї сестри й проповідувала в багатолюдному місті Толедо.

Преставилася преподобна Поліксенія близько 109 року, до кінця земного життя зберігши дівоцтво.

AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Marks 39th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration

Axios Metropolitan Antony

Your Eminence, beloved Metropolitan Antony,

On behalf of the Council of Metropolia, Members of the Consistory, clergy, seminarians, and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, I offer heartfelt congratulations to you on this blessed occasion of your 39th anniversary of archpastoral consecration and your dedicated service as a bishop of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora.

We give thanks to Almighty God for your unwavering commitment to prayer and spiritual life, which have been a steadfast foundation for your decades of episcopal service. Your fervent intercessions for the Church, our faithful, and the world continue to inspire us all. In your tireless efforts to guide and shepherd us, your deep love for the Lord shines brightly, reflecting in your leadership, teachings, and pastoral care.

Your dedication to the spiritual formation of our youth has been a particular blessing to our Church. You have shown visionary leadership, ensuring that the next generation is rooted in the timeless truths of our Holy Faith, and you have fostered a sense of belonging and purpose for young people as they navigate the challenges of modern life.

With gratitude for your wisdom and foresight, we acknowledge your efforts to guide our Church through times of change, always with the goal of preserving the purity of Orthodox faith and tradition, while also leading us forward with clarity and vision.

May our Lord continue to grant you strength, wisdom, and peace as you lead the flock entrusted to your care. May the Most Holy Mother of God ever protect you and guide you in your ongoing ministry, for many blessed years to come.

With love in Christ,
Archbishop Daniel
On behalf of the Council of Metropolia, Consistory, Clergy, Seminarians, and Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA


Please welcome our guests: His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, V. Rev. Taras Udod and Dobrodiyka Sonia, Protodeacon Pavlo Vysotskyi, Subdeacon Andrii Akulenko, Subdeacon Mykola Stefanyk, Subdeacon Yurii Izhyk, Marian Meleshko, Bohdan Bodnar, Marian Koval, Mykhailo Stasiv.

St. John's UHF Logo

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Ukrainian Families Seeking Sponsors: We have requests from two Ukrainian families seeking sponsors to help them secure travel authorizations to the United States in accordance with the U.S. Government's United for Ukraine Program. Our St. John's Ukrainian Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance Committee stands ready to assist any prospective sponsors who are willing to step forward to help these families in need.

1. The Sakhno Family of four: Maxim, Olha, 14 year old son Artem and 7 year old son Artur with cerebral palsy. The family is originally from Zaporozhe, Ukraine and is temporarily residing in the Czech Republic where the younger child is in rehabilitation and could benefit greatly from medical treatment in the United States. Family members have some English language skills.

2. The Lytovchenko Family of four: Serhii, Iryna, daughter Sofiia, and son Andrii. The family is originally from Bucha, Ukraine the town where invading Russian forces committed countless war crimes against civilians in 2022. They evacuated from Bucha and are currently in the Zarkarpatia Region of Western Ukraine. Both parents have advanced degrees, the husband served and the mother is serving in the Army of Ukraine and they hope to secure their children's future peace and security in the United States.

For further information on how you can work with our committee to respond to these pleas for help please contact Fr. Ivan or Stephan Wasylko (607-754-1204). Thank you in advance for your consideration, empathy and compassion.

This Sunday is day 956 of Russia's totally unprovoked barbaric war against Ukraine. A totally unjustified brutal war to eliminate Ukraine, her sovereignty, independence, history, culture, and national identity. Tens of thousands of our innocent fellow Ukrainians have been killed and injured; 19,000 children have been abducted; villages, towns, and cities have been destroyed; and millions have been displaced and forced to flee their homes and native land. Now with winter approaching, Putin and his terrorists are targeting electrical power supplies to cast the nation into darkness and further demoralize the suffering people by cutting off their lighting, heating and water supplies. The single goal is to force them to surrender and succumb to Putin's evil will.

However, our Ukrainian brothers and sisters have defied all odds and continue to withstand the horrific onslaught. They fight on courageously to protect their homeland, families and future, even when world attention is drawn to conflicts in the Middle-East. Keeping true to their national anthem, Ukraine has not perished and will never surrender notwithstanding the calls to do so by some of our own politicians who espouse Putin's talking points and disinformation. On the contrary, Ukraine has launched a counteroffensive to take Putin's war back to Russia, as President Zelenskyy continues to call on the U.S. and other allies to strengthen their support for Ukraine and allow the use of long range weapons against an enemy that threatens world peace and security.

During the 3rd quarter of 2025 St. John's Humanitarian committee continued its unwavering efforts to provide humanitarian support to our fellow Ukrainians both here and abroad. We advocated on behalf of Ukraine with our government officials and encouraged our parishioners to vote in November for those that stand with Ukraine in her fight for democracy and freedom. We continued our community outreach efforts during Ukrainian Day, joined our local compatriots at Speidie Fest, the Ukrainian Flag Raising at City Hall, ACA's Garlic Festival, and addressed members of our community and organizations about our mission and the current situation in Ukraine. We also played a key role in organizing and staging a benefit concert for Ukraine featuring Marko Topchii, a renowned classical guitarist from Kyiv, and thank Dr. Patrick Scannell for his kind sponsorship.

We take this opportunity also to extend our sincere thanks to Stepan Mykytyuk for donating a beautiful painting for our auction on Ukrainian Day, St. Mary's Sisterhood, St. John's Parish Council, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greenum, the Vestal Rotary Club and many others in our parish and community for their generous donations to St. John's Humanitarian Fund. We also thank Dr. Peter A. Hatala for always being available to relieve the pain of our new families from Ukraine.

In closing, we pray for God's Blessings upon everyone who has embraced our new arrivals and continues to support the work of our humanitarian committee with their prayers and donations, no matter how large or small. God Bless you for your continuing love, compassion, and generosity.

Vichnaya Pamyat – Memory Eternal: Pani Julia Lawryk, Olga Kulik, Eva and Dmytro Wasylko, Eugenia Arson, and Myron Shlatz (2x)

In Honor of: Ella Dino, Alfred Gorick's 60th Birthday, Ukraine's 33rd Independence Day


Please welcome newly-baptized Mackenzie Mary Shirk, daughter of Nicholas and Katie Shirk. Congratulations to the family, sponsors and extended family. God grant you many blessed years!

Kitchen Schedule

  • Saturday 10/12 8:00 Rolls
  • Sunday 10/13 @ Coffee Hour Nut Balls
  • Monday 10/14 8:00 Kolachky

Bake Sale Oct. 19, 2024

Let's Help Ukraine!

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.

To make donation online click here

We accept checks as well.

Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Mailing address:

1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790


Cash is accepted in church

Pray for Ukraine!

Pray For Ukraine

Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.

Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.

May God bless and protect Ukraine!

Please Note!

  • Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
  • If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
  • We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarets, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.

Happy Birthday

  • October 06: Joshua Charnetsky
  • October 07: James Glass
  • October 07: Jody Dimitriou
  • October 08: Lauren Hatala
  • October 10: Eva Wasylko Lines

* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.

Please Pray for the Servants of God

Rose, Marlyn, Bob, Nadine, Dannette,
John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Peyton Mary,

Upcoming Readings

Mon. Oct. 7 –  Gal. 4:28–5:10;  Lk. 4:37-44;
Tue. Oct. 8 –  Gal. 5:11-21;  Lk. 5:12-16;
Wed. Oct. 9 –  Gal. 6:2-10;  Lk. 5:33-39;
Thu. Oct. 10 –  Eph. 1:1-9;  Lk. 6:12-19
Fri. Oct. 11 –  Eph. 1:7-17;  Lk. 6:17-23;
Sat. Oct. 12 –  1 Cor. 10:23-28;  Lk. 5:17-26


Українська Православна Церква св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті, штату Нью-Йорк, США. Знаходимось під духовною опікою Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія.

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Contact info

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя

  • 1 Saint John's Parkway, Johnson City NY
  • (607) 797-1584