Bulletin for February 16, 2025
Feb. 16 – Sunday of Prodigal Son. Tone 1
Afterfeast of the Meeting. Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-receiver and Anna the Prophetess (1st c.). Prophet Azarias (10thc. B.C.). Martyrs Papias, Diodorus, and Claudianus (250). Martyrs Adrian and Eubulus (310). Martyr Blaise (3rd c.).
1 Cor. 6:12-20; Lk. 15:11-32;
Feb. 23 – Meatfare Sunday, of the Last Judgment. Tone 2
Hieromartyr Charalampus, bishop of Magnesia in Thessaly, and Martyrs Porphyrius and Baptus (202). Martyrs Ennatha, Valentina, and Paula of Palestine (308). Ven. Prochorus of the Kyiv Caves (1107). St. Anna, wife of prince Yaroslav (1050).
1 Cor. 8:8–9:2 ; Mt. 25:31-46;
Services & Other Events
16 February, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Oath of Office
- Super Bowl Sunday soup extravaganza is moved to February 23 due to inclement weather.
17 February, Monday:
- 8am – Bake Breads
- 7pm – Parish Council Meeting
22 February, Saturday:
- 10am-12noon – Holubtsi & Pirohy Sale
- 12pm - 1pm – Stand with Ukraine
- 4pm – General Memorial Service
- 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня
23 February, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy with special prayer for Ukraine - Бож. Літургія із особливою молитвою за Україну
- Memorial Service for those departed during the war in Ukraine
Апостол і Євангеліє - Gospel and Epistle of the Day
Homilies on Luke, Sermon 107 Excerpt, by St. Cyril of Alexandria
What then is the object of the parable? Let us examine the occasion which led to it; for so we shall learn the truth. The blessed Luke therefore had himself said a little before of Christ the Saviour of us all, "And all the publicans and sinners drew near unto Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and Scribes murmured saying, This man receives sinners and eats " with them." As therefore the Pharisees and Scribes made this outcry at His gentleness and love to man, and wickedly and impiously blamed Him for receiving and teaching men whose lives were impure, Christ very necessarily set before them the present parable, to show them clearly this very thing, that the God of all requires even him who is thoroughly steadfast, and firm, and who knows how to live holily, and has attained to tie highest praise for sobriety of conduct, to be earnest in following His will, so that when any are called unto repentance, even if they be men highly blameable, he must rejoice rather, and not give way to an unloving vexation on their account.
For we also sometimes experience something of this sort. For some there are who live a perfectly honourable and consistent life, practising every kind of virtuous action, and abstaining from every thing disapproved by the law of God, and crowning themselves with perfect praises in the sight of God and of men: while another is perhaps weak and trodden down, and humbled unto every kind of wickedness, guilty of base deeds, loving impurity, given to covetousness, and stained with all evil. And yet such a one often in old age turns unto God, and asks the forgiveness of his former offences: he prays for mercy, and putting away from him his readiness to fall into sin, sets his affection on virtuous deeds. Or even perhaps when about to close his mortal life, he is admitted to divine baptism, and puts away his offences, God being merciful unto him. And perhaps sometimes persons are indignant at this, and even say, 'This man, who has been guilty of such and such actions, and has spoken such and such words, has not paid unto the judge the retribution of his conduct, but has been counted worthy of a grace thus noble and admirable: he has been inscribed among the sons of God, and honoured with the glory of the saints.' Such complaints men sometimes give utterance too from an empty narrowness of mind, not conforming to the purpose of the universal Father. For He greatly rejoices when He sees those who were lost obtaining salvation, and raises them up again to that which they were in the beginning, giving them the dress of freedom, and adorning them with the chief robe, and putting a ring upon their hand, even the orderly behaviour which is pleasing to God and suitable to the free.
Про блудного сина
Чого ж навчає нас ця притча? Того, що для людини, яка хоче спастися, немає жодної перешкоди: навіть для того, хто дійшов до останньої межі зла, немає приводу, який би утримував його від того, щоб знову повернутися до Бога. Хай же ніхто не говорить, що не міг очиститися, будучи обтяжений багатьма гріхами. Хай послухає, що говорить Господь через пророка Ісаію: «Коли будуть гріхи ваші, мов багряне, – як сніг вибілю; коли будуть червоні, мов пурпур, – як вовну вибілю» (Іс. 1,18). Бачите несказанне людинолюбство Боже! Господь обіцяє не тільки очистити того, хто кається, але й піднести його на вищий ступінь краси.
І приклади – перед очима. Ось перед нами псалмоспівець Давид. Він тяжко согрішив перед Богом, але покаявся і одержав прощення. Щоночі він омивав сльозами свою постіль, уставав опівночі, їв попіл як хліб, а життя своє плачем розчиняв, і заради цього щирого покаяння він не тільки одержав прощення гріхів, але й став улюбленим обранцем Божим. Його покаянний псалом «Помилуй мене, Боже, з великої милості Твоєї» назавжди залишився зразком молитви немічної людини, яка благає Бога про помилування. Ось перед нами іудейський цар Манасія. Довгі роки він зводив людей на гріх, схиляючи їх служити бездушним ідолам, але, щиро покаявшись, одержав спасіння і сердечною молитвою прославив Бога.
Ось верховний серед апостолів Петро. Переможений людським страхом, він зрікається стражденного Христа, але після зречення, «вийшовши геть, плакав гірко». Коли ж сльози зцілили його, він знову поновлюється в апостольській гідності.
Марія Єгипетська дійшла до крайньої межі тілесного гріха, проте, коли достойно покаялася, піднялася на вищий ступінь святості.
прот. Олександр Шостак
Kitchen Sessions
Wednesday 2/19 – Setup kitchen for Thursday session. Setup guide top shelf by cooler for holubtsi cooking setup.
6-7pm 2 men to load roasters in ovens and juice them
12:00 midnight – Turn ovens on (375 degrees)
Thursday 2/20 – 7:00am - 2 Men to take holubtsi out of ovens
7:30am Holubtsi Packing – Roaster washing
Friday 2/21 – 10:00am Holubtsi/Pirohy Bagging
Saturday 2/22 10:00am - 12 noon Holubtsi/Pirohy Sale (Need 9:00am attendance)
St. John's Membership 2025
At our Annual Parish Meeting we adjusted our membership dues to the following:
Family Membership – $224 /year
Single Membership – $112 /year
Pensioner Family – $224 /year
Pensioner Single – $112 /year
Honorary & 80 Years – exempted
Sunday February 23rd
Sunday, February 23, after church Ukrainian Orthodox League fundraiser for Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Super Bowl Sunday soup extravaganza. Sign up to make a soup and we will be collecting donations to help those who are hungry and are fed at Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Please come and enjoy the warmth of your fellow parishioners.
22 February 12PM - Stand with Ukraine

22 February Holubtsi and Pirohy Sale

Let's Help Ukraine!
St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.
To make donation online click here
We accept checks as well.
Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund
Mailing address:
1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790
Cash is accepted in church
Pray for Ukraine!
Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.
Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.
May God bless and protect Ukraine!
Please Note!
- Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
- If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
- We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarettes, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.
Happy Birthday
- February 20: Joseph Ranieri
* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.
Please Pray for the Servants of God
John, Rose, Bob, Nadine, Dannette,
John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Pipinos, Sharon Italiano
Upcoming Readings
Mon. Feb. 17 | 1 Jn. 2:18–3:10 ; | Mk. 11:1-11; |
Tue. Feb. 18 | 1 Jn. 3:10-20 ; | Mk. 14:10-42 ; |
Wed. Feb. 19 | 1 Jn. 3:21–4:6 ; | Mk. 14:43–15:1; |
Thu. Feb. 20 | 1 Jn. 4:20–5:21 ; | Mk. 15:1-15; |
Fri. Feb. 21 | 2 Jn. 1:1-13 ; | Mk. 15:22-25, 33-41; |
Sat. Feb. 22 | 1 Cor. 10:23-28 ; | Lk. 21:8-9, 25-27, 33-36; |