Ukrainian Day Festival - July 13, 2024
We appreciate the community's support and would like to offer you the opportunity to sponsor our ethnic event. We recognize your patronage and wish to give your business something in return. Your contribution will be acknowledged in our program booklet for all to see as well as on posters placed in the tent during our event. Please consider one of the following levels of support:
- Platinum $500.00 and above
- Gold $400.00
- Silver $300.00
Basket Raffle/Items – Donate a themed basket or other items to promote your business
Please make your check payable to St. John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Tear off the donation slip below and mail to St. John’s c/o Pam Scannell. St. John’s tax ID # 16-0926905.
If you have any questions concerning this advertising or need your basket picked up, please contact Pam Scannell at 607-760-1671. Thank you in advance for supporting St. John’s annual festival.
Sincerely yours,
Pam Scannell, Sponsorship Chair
Dr. Mark Hatala, Event Chairperson
Fr. Ivan Synevskyy, Priest

Please join us at the 95th Ukrainian Day in Johnson City on Saturday July 13, 2024, as we celebrate our heritage and culture; and honor the valor and resolve of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine as they fight to preserve their independence, democracy, territorial integrity and our shared American values.
Ukraine has withstood countless efforts to undermine her sovereignty and independence through the ages. Stalin's artificial famine, the "Holodomor", caused over six million deaths from starvation in the bread basket of Europe during the soviet-era, but failed to destroy Ukraine's culture and identity. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Putin again tried to regain total control over the independent freedom loving people of Ukraine through election fraud but was thwarted by the Orange Revolution in 2004. His unrelenting efforts to take control of Ukraine through rampant corruption and bribery were again rejected by the Ukrainian people during their Revolution of Dignity in 2014. Putin has now resorted to open brutal military aggression, killing, and wanton destruction to impose his will and subjugate the people of Ukraine.
In February 2022, the world watched in shock and horror as Putin violated the norms of civilized behavior and international laws and launched an unprovoked full scale invasion to annihilate our ancestral homeland and her people. According to the United Nations well over 30,000 civilians have been killed or injured since the start of Putin's invasion. More than 120,000 Russian war crimes have been recorded to date, including the abduction of over 19,000 Ukrainian children. The deliberate daily targeting of Ukrainian civilians and the destruction of infrastructure, including churches, hospitals, schools, museums, libraries, theaters, and homes is nothing short of a genocidal effort to eliminate Ukraine and her people.
Now in its third year Putin's aggression continues unabated with a terrible toll on the people of Ukraine. We are grateful to the members of the U.S. Government, NATO Allies, non-governmental agencies, businesses and friends in our community who are standing with Ukraine against the forces of evil in this war. Thanks to our compassionate donors St. John's Humanitarian Fund continues to provide much need humanitarian assistance directly to those on the front lines including people displaced from their homes and families, the elderly, the orphans, the wounded soldiers and the families of fallen Heroes in Ukraine.
Please join us and "Stand with Ukraine for Freedom, Democracy and Justice" with a tax deductible donation to support our St. John's efforts to help those suffering and fighting for Ukraine and the free world.
Please make your donation payable to St. John's Humanitarian Fund by mail to:
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1 St. John's Parkway, Johnson City, NY 13790;
Online Donations:
"Blessed Are Those That Care"