Bulletin for January 26, 2025
Jan. 26 – 31 Sunday after Pentecost, after Theophany. Tone 6
Afterfeast of the Theophany. Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus at Belgrade (315). Martyr Peter of Anium, at Eleutheropolis (1st c.). Ven. James, bishop of Nisibis (350).
Eph. 4:7-13; Mt. 4:12-17;
1 Tim. 1:15-17; Lk. 18:35-43;
Feb. 2 – 32 Sunday after Pentecost, of Zacchaeus. Tone 7
Ven. Euthymius the Great (473). Martyrs Inna, Pinna, and Rimma (lst-2nd c.). Martyrs Bassus, Eusebius, Eutychius, and Basilides at Nicomedia (303). Venn. Laurence the Recluse (13th-l4th c.) and Euthymius the Silent (14th c.), of the Kyiv Caves.
1 Tim. 4:9-15; Lk. 19:1-10;
Heb. 13:17-21; Lk. 6:17-23;
Services & Other Events
26 January, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Annual Parish Meeting
1 February, Saturday:
- 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня
2 February, Sunday:
- 9am – Confession / Hours
- 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Бож. Літургія
- Annual St. Mary's Sisterhood Meeting
Апостол і Євангеліє - Gospel and Epistle of the Day
Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
By St. Theophan the Recluse
Thursday. [Eph. 4:14-19; Mark 11:27-33]
The Saviour proves that He was sent from heaven using the testimony of John the Forerunner. They were silent, for there was nothing to say to the contrary, yet they did not believe. Another time He proved the same thing through His deeds, and they thought up a new twist: [He casteth out devils] by the prince of the devils (Mt. 9:34, Mk. 3:22). But when this twist was exposed to be completely inappropriate, they again were silent, but nevertheless did not believe. Thus unbelievers never believe no matter what you tell them and how convincingly you prove the truth. They cannot say anything to the contrary, while nevertheless they do not believe. One might say that their mind is paralyzed, since they reason sensibly about other things. Only when the issue touches upon faith do they become confused in their concepts and words. They also become confused when they present their outlooks as a substitute for the tenets of faith given by God. Here their doubt raises such a buttress that it is like a firm cliff. If you hear their entire theory through, you will see that a child could figure out that this is a spider's web; but they do not see it. O unfathomable blindness! One can explain the obstinacy of unbelievers as their not wanting to believe, but where does this come from? Where does it get such power that it makes a sensible man consciously cling to an illogical form of thoughts? This is darkness. Is it not from the father of darkness?
The Lord took away His blessing from the fig tree which was rich with leaves but had no fruit, and it dried up. This is a lesson in action. The fig tree represents people who in appearance are proper, but in essence are not worthy of approval. Who are these people? They are those who eloquently discourse about the faith, but do not have that faith-they hold the objects of faith in the intellect only. They are those whose outward behavior is proper but their feelings and dispositions are very improper, and they manifest proper works only to hide their impropriety from people; whenever possible, they do not do these works. For example, such a person gives alms when someone asks of him in front of people, but ask him in private and he will berate you. He goes to church to pray to God, prays in sight of everyone, and prays at home as well, so as to not bring shame upon himself before his household. But as soon as he is alone, he does not even make the sign of the cross over his brow. He does not have any idea about turning to God with the mind and heart. Let us pray that God will not allow us to be as these. For then we will not escape the judgement pronounced over the fig tree.
Святитель Феофан Затворник.
Думки на кожен день року
Апостол: Євр. 12:25,26; 13:22-25 (зач. 333).
Євангеліє: Мк. 11:11-23 (зач. 50).
Смоковниця, вкрита листям, була чудова на вигляд, але не удостоїлася схвалення від Господа, бо не було на ній плодів, а плодів не було тому, що не було внутрішньої плодотворної сили. Скільки таких смоковниць буває в моральному сенсі! На вигляд усе справне, а всередині нічого немає. Статечні, чесні і все християнське виконують, а духу життя у Христі Ісусі не мають; тому не мають плодів живих; а те, що є в них, тільки здається плодом, а не є.
У чому ж дух життя у Христі Ісусі? На це скажемо: одне в ньому від Господа, а інше від нас. Що від Господа, те власне і є плодотворна духовна сила; а що від нас, те тільки приймач цієї сили. Про останнє і подбай більше. Тут корінь — почуття, що ти гинеш і що якщо не Господь — загинеш: звідси на все життя, в усіх справах і трудах — серце скрушене і смиренне.
Далі, оскільки майбутнє невідоме, а ворогів багато і спотикання можливе щохвилини, то страх і трепет у творенні спасіння і безперервний крик: "Якими знаєш шляхами, спаси мене". Горе тому, хто спочиває на чому-небудь, крім Господа; горе й тому, хто трудився для чого-небудь, крім Господа! Запитай себе, той, хто трудився у справах, які вважаються богоугодними, для кого трудишся? Якщо совість сміливо відповість: тільки для Господа — добре; а якщо ні — то ти будуєш дім на піску. Ось кілька вказівок про родючий внутрішній дух. З цього і про інше розумій.
Social Club Board
Congratulations to the newly elected Social Club Board:
President: Gary Elsworth
Vice President: Nick Tarcha Jr.
Treasurer: Paul Marra
Secretary: Lisa Ferrante
Chairman: Nancy Skojec
Directors: Dr. Peter A. Hatala
Miranda Klish Karn
Julie Marra
Colleen Whitney
Join Brotherhood
Hey, Bro…(ther),
The Saint John's 'Brotherhood' will provide the meal for the sisterhood annual meeting on February 2. What is the Brotherhood? It's a loose knit group of St. John's men who support our Sisterhood. That's primarily the annual meal. But we can do more. If you want to join this fun loving group and help with this meal, contact Bill Scannell.
Sunday February 9th
Sunday, February 9th, after church Ukrainian Orthodox League fundraiser for Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Super Bowl Sunday soup extravaganza. Sign up to make a soup and we will be collecting donations to help those who are hungry and are fed at Saint Andrews Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. Please come and enjoy the warmth of your fellow parishioners.
Annual Blessing of Homes
The Annual Blessing of Homes with Theophany Holy water can be scheduled with Fr. Ivan until Feb. 14.
Contact Fr. Ivan to schedule annual blessing of your home.
Spring 2025 Kitchen Sessions
Tuesday 1/28 | 7:30am boil cabbage. Need 3 people. Come try! |
9:00am Trim leaves. Roaster, kitchen and hall setup. | |
Wednesday 1/29 | 8:30am Balls and roll holubtsi; Lunch after |
Friday 1/31 | 7:30am Potatoes; |
10am-12noon Make pirohy balls, Kitchen/hall Setup. | |
Saturday 2/1 | 7:30am Finish set-up; |
8am - 12noon Pinching, Lunch after | |
Thursday 2/13 | 7:30am boil cabbage. Need 3 people. Come try! |
9:00am Trim leaves. Roaster, kitchen and hall setup. | |
Friday 2/14 | 8:30am Balls and roll holubtsi; Lunch after |
Wednesday 2/19 | During Dance practice – Parents please setup kitchen for Thursday session. |
6-7pm 2 men to load roasters in ovens and juice them | |
12:00 midnight – Turn ovens on (375 degrees) | |
Thursday 2/20 | 7:00am - 2 Men to take holubtsi out of ovens |
7:30am Holubtsi Packing – Roaster washing | |
Friday 2/21 | 10:00am Holubtsi/Pirohy Bagging |
Saturday 2/22 | 10:00am - 12 noon Holubtsi/Pirohy Sale (Need 9:00am attendance) |
Friday 3/14 | 7:30am Potatoes; 10am-12noon Make pirohy balls, Kitchen/hall Setup. |
Saturday 3/15 | 7:30am Finish set-up; 8am - 12noon Pinching, Lunch after |
Wednesday 4/9 | 6:00am - Load ovens w/ holubtsi and turn on at 7am |
2:00pm - 2 Men to take holubtsi out of ovens | |
2:30pm Holubtsi Packing – Roaster washing | |
(Load ovens and juice holubtsi) | |
12:00 midnight – Turn ovens on (375 degrees) | |
Thursday 4/10 | 7:00am - 2 Men to take holubtsi out of ovens |
7:30am Holubtsi Packing – Roaster washing | |
Friday 4/11 | 10:00am Holubtsi/Pirohy Bagging |
Saturday 4/12 | 11:00am – 1:00pm Easter Sale (Need 9:00am attendance) |
Let's Help Ukraine!
St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.
To make donation online click here
We accept checks as well.
Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund
Mailing address:
1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790
Cash is accepted in church
Pray for Ukraine!
Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.
Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.
May God bless and protect Ukraine!
Please Note!
- Only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion or other Sacraments.
- If you have not been to confession in over a month, please go to confession before receiving the Holy Gifts.
- We fast from all food and drink (including water) from bedtime (the previous night) until we receive the Holy Gifts during morning Divine Liturgy. That also means no coffee, no cigarettes, no gum, candies in the morning and during Divine Liturgy.
Happy Birthday
- January 29: Alexander Wasylko
- January 30: Metropolitan Antony
- January 30: Brian Baxendale
* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.
Please Pray for the Servants of God
Mark, Carol, John, Rose, Bob, Nadine,
Dannette, John, Jane, Mary, Zenna, Douglas,
Melanie, William, Marion, Helen,
Mariann, Robert, Jean, Ronald, Brian,
Fr. James, Scott, Andriy, James, William,
Peyton Mary, Pipinos, Sharon Italiano
Upcoming Readings
Mon. Jan. 27 – | Jas. 2:14-26; | Mk. 10:46-52; |
Tue. Jan. 28 – | Jas. 3:1-10; | Mk. 11:11-23; |
Wed. Jan. 29 – | Jas. 3:11-4:6; | Mk. 11:23-26; |
Thu. Jan. 30 – | Jas. 4:7-5:9; | Mk. 11:27-33; |
Fri. Jan. 31 – | 1 Pet. 1:1-2, 10-12 - 2:6-10; | Mk. 12:1-12; |
Sat. Feb. 1 – | 1 Thess. 5:14-23; | Lk. 17:3-10; |