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The Ascension of Our Lord Icon - Ікона Вознесіння Господнє

Bulletin for May 28, 2023

The Ascension of Our Lord - Вознесіння Господнє

May 28 – Seventh Sunday of Pascha, of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. Tone 6

Afterfeast of the Ascension. Ven. Pachomius the Great (346). Ven. Achilles, bishop of Larissa (330). St. Isaiah, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov (1090). Ven. Isaiah of the Kyiv Caves (1115). Ven. Pachomius, abbot and Silvanus of Nerekhta (1384).

Acts 20:16-18, 28-36; Jn. 17:1-13;

Propers Liturgy Live Streaming - Пряма Трансляція Літургії


Hieromartyr Basiliscus, bishop of Comana (308). Commemoration of the 2nd Ecumenical Council (381).

Acts 1:1-12; Lk. 24:36-53;


Eph. 5:8-19; Mt. 18:10-20;

Services & Other Events

YouTube Livestreaming services can be found on YouTube TV search for Ivan Synevskyy

28‌ May, Sunday:

  • 9am – Hours, Confession - Часи і сповідь
  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • Memorial Service for Parish Veterans in Church

31‌ May, Wednesday:

  • 5:45pm – Ukrainian Dance Practice

2‌ June, Friday:

  • 1PM – Burial of John Tylko at Parish Cemetery

3‌ June, Saturday:

  • 4:15pm – General Memorial Panakhyda
  • 5pm – Great Vespers - Велика Вечірня

4‌ June, Pentecost – День Святої Тройці:

  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія
  • Vespers with Kneeling Prayers

5‌ June, Holy Spirit Day – День Святого Духа:

  • 9:30am – Divine Liturgy - Божественна Літургія


Fr. Ivan can be reached by call/text c.617-646-9515 or email:


Дії св. Апостолів 20:16-18, 28-36

Браття, Павлові спало на думку обминути Єфес, щоб не затриматися йому в Асії, бо він поспішав, якщо можна, на день П'ятидесятниці бути в Ієрусалимі. З Міліту ж, пославши до Єфесу, він скликав пресвітерів церкви, і, коли вони прийшли до нього, він сказав їм: ви знаєте, що я з першого дня, як прийшов в Асію, весь час перебував з вами. Отож пильнуйте себе і всю отару, в якій Дух Святий поставив вас єпископами, пасти Церкву Господа і Бога, яку Він придбав Собі Кров'ю Своєю. Бо я знаю, що після відходу мого, прийдуть до вас люті вовки, які не щадитимуть стада; та і з вас самих повстануть люди, які говоритимуть неправдиво, щоб заманити учнів за собою. А тому пильнуйте, пам'ятаючи, що я три роки день і ніч безперестанно зі сльозами навчав кожного з вас. І нині передаю вас, браття, Богові і слову благодаті Його, яке може повчати вас більше і дати вам спадщину з усіма освяченими. Ні срібла, ні золота, ні одежі я ні від кого не побажав: самі знаєте, що потребам моїм і тих, що були зі мною, послужили руки мої ці. У всьому показав я вам, що так працюючи, треба підтримувати слабких і пам'ятати слово Господа Ісуса, бо Він Сам сказав: блаженніше давати, ніж приймати. Сказавши це, він став на коліна свої і з усіма ними помолився.


Від Іоанна 17:1-13

Після цих слів Ісус звів очі Свої до неба і сказав: Отче! прийшов час, прослав Сина Твого, щоб і Син Твій прославив Тебе, так як Ти дав Йому владу над усякою плоттю, щоб усьому, що Ти дав Йому, дасть Він життя вічне. Це ж є життя вічне, щоб знали Тебе, єдиного істинного Бога і посланого Тобою Ісуса Христа. Я прославив Тебе на землі, звершив діло, яке Ти доручив Мені виконати. І нині прослав Мене Ти, Отче, в Тебе Самого славою, яку Я мав у Тебе раніше буятя світу. Я відкрив ім'я Твоє людям, котрих Ти дав Мені від світу; вони були Твої, і Ти дав їх Мені, і вони зберегли слово Твоє. Нині зрозуміли вони, що все, що Ти дав Мені, від Тебе є, бо слова, які Ти дав Мені, Я передав їм, і вони прийняли і зрозуміли істинно, що Я зійшов від Тебе, і увірували, що Ти послав Мене. Я за них молю: не за весь світ молю, а за тих, котрих Ти дав Мені, тому що вони Твої. І все Моє – Твоє, і Твоє – Моє; і Я прославився в них. Я вже не в світі, та вони в світі, а Я до Тебе йду. Отче Святий! збережи їх в ім'я Твоє, котрих Ти дав Мені, щоб вони були єдине, як і Ми. Коли Я був з ними у світі, Я зберігав їх в ім'я Твоє; тих, яких Ти дав Мені, Я зберіг, і ніхто з них не загинув, крім сина погибелі, щоб збулося Писання (Пс 108,17). Нині ж до Тебе йду, і це говорю у світі, щоб вони мали в собі радість Мою повну.

True Faith Isn't DIY

Christ is risen! (On this Leave-Taking of the Feast of Pascha!)

One of my very first jobs was at the fast-food restaurant Burger King! Man, that was a hoot. I loved the fact that I could work there after school and on weekends and get a free hamburger too! Yeah, that wasn't a very healthy choice. But Burger King was one of the first fast-food places to let you decide what you wanted on your sandwich. They even had a great jingle "Hold the pickles. Hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way. Have it your way, at Burger King!"

Wow, now that I think about it, that mindset really says a lot about my generation and the generations we raised. Having it any way we wanted has become slavery to perpetual adolescence! No wonder kids aren't really maturing until their late 20s nowadays.

But that's the danger, isn't it? If we pamper our passions and feed our desires without a disciplined way to tame our passions and mature our desires, we become slaves to our passions and desires!

And it all starts with the foolish notion that I have to "do it my way." The power of mutual love and living in an authentic community invites us to a better way!

Just look at our Lesson today from Acts 18:22-28:

IN THOSE DAYS, when Paul had landed at Caesarea, he went up and greeted the church, and then went down to Antioch. After spending some time there he departed and went from place to place through the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples. Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesos. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the scriptures. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and expounded to him the way of God more accurately. And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brethren encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed, for he powerfully confuted the Jews in public, showing by the scriptures that the Christ was Jesus.

It's a great story. St. Apollos was a very gifted teacher and speaker and he was a zealous preacher for the wisdom of God revealed by St. John the Baptist and his message of repentance. St. Apollos had been instructed in the "ways of the Lord" up to John's message and ministry, but he didn't have the whole story, and that was a problem! (by the way, it always is!) Of course, this is a very valuable lesson to remember. When you don't have the whole story, you won't get the full benefit of the wisdom!

So here comes Priscilla and Aquila, a wife and husband team who were faithful Christians and had "the rest of the story!" They fill Apollos in on the Incarnation and the message of Jesus, His life, death, and resurrection, and Apollos having been instructed in "the way of God more accurately" became a powerful teacher and leader of the Faith! He eventually became bishop in the city of Corinth, but that's another story. Notice please, that Apollos has the humility to hear the rest of the story. He is an honorable and honest man who doesn't care that he still needs to learn. It doesn't offend him when the rest of the story is told. He willingly sees the wisdom in not reducing the faith to his ego or him being the center of attention. He knows he's not supposed to be alone and "do it yourself." This is too important to let ego sabotage the salvation of people.

The truth is none of us will ever be healthy Christians by ourselves.  "Lone Ranger" Christianity is notoriously dangerous! We need the wisdom and even the conflict of rubbing shoulders with one another, learning from one another, and even experiencing conflict together if we are ever going to be healthy people who know ourselves well and who are humble enough to be students as well as teachers. This wisdom of the community, of relationships, means we do ourselves spiritual, emotional, and even physical harm when we think we can "go it alone." We were meant to experience the Life of God, the Faith, and the whole of creation as connected and reachable persons in the mystery of communion. As has been said, "I can only know myself in the face of the other."

On this Leave-taking of the Feast of Pascha, let's embrace the wisdom of a Faith ancient AND new at the same time! As we prepare for the Feast of the Ascension where Christ takes His resurrected and glorified physical body into the midmost mystery of the Trinity, let's truly appreciate the necessity of each other and not try to do this Faith by ourselves.

Today, where are you cut off from others? Where are you trying to "do it by myself?" How's that working out for you? It simply is no mistake that the center of our worship as Orthodox is the Eucharist, Communion. We were meant to press out this very daily faith in the midst of the hard work of communion. We are supposed to not only do this hard work but not give up on this hard work when it gets really hard! It's in staying faithful to communion, to community, that makes me able to love others as God loves them. Community sets me free to finally be my true self. In fact, I will never truly know myself by myself! So, I really do "get by with a little help from my friends!" Ok, maybe a lot of help, especially since the goal is to be Orthodox on Purpose!

P.S. Though You went down into the tomb, You destroyed Hades' power, and You rose the victor, Christ God, saying to the myrrh-bearing women, "Hail!" and granting peace to Your disciples, You who raise up the fallen.

By Fr. Barnabas Powell

Maturity Is Reaching the Fullness of Christ

The word of the day is "fullness." Most of us would admit that our relationship with the Lord is still maturing. Yet, in our reading of Acts 19:1-18, we find a faith that is not only immature but incomplete in its basic understandings. In Ephesus, Paul encounters a group of disciples. But he finds their belief incomplete. He asks, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed" (vs. 2)? They reply, "We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit" (OSB vs. 2). Today, from the example of these followers and Paul's teaching, we learn that our goal should be the maturity of the "fullness" of the Body of Christ of which we are members.

John the Baptist's Teaching Lacked Fullness

In the preceding chapter, we met Apollos, who taught the way of the Lord correctly except that he "knew only the baptism of John" (OSB Acts 18:25). Two laypersons had to take him aside to complete the preacher's understanding of the faith. Now we hear of a group of twelve men whose faith was likewise incomplete because they lacked the knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

Lest we charge that Paul is too critical of these believers, think about what our faith would be like without knowing the Holy Spirit. We would lack all that the Spirit does in our spiritual lives. The Holy Spirit is God dwelling in us. The Spirit reminds us of the teaching of the Lord, testifies to the truth of the Gospel, sanctifies, empowers, inspires, and gives us spiritual gifts for ministry and service.

There were many parallels between John the Baptist's preaching of repentance and the Lord's message, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" (OSB Mark 1:14-15). But John's message only prepared for the coming of the Lord. And His baptism only signified the turning away from sin. Therefore, John's teachings were incomplete. They lacked "fullness." Thus, Paul had to correct the twelve men, baptize them in the Lord's name, and lay hands on them for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Goal of the Fullness of Christ

Thus, this episode in Ephesus teaches us that we should reject the teaching that is incomplete. Instead of following such insufficient instruction, we should strive for the fullness of the faith of the church. This is what Paul teaches in Ephesians. Paul proclaims that the gifts of the Spirit are given "for the edifying of the body of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:12). And then he writes that the Spirit gives the edification of the church "till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the fullness of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:13).

The Body of Christ Should Become the "Perfect Man"

Note that the gifts of the Spirit build up the Body of Christ. Paul says that we should become "a perfect man, stressing the unity of the church."  What is the "perfect man"? The apostle does not mean that we should become "perfect individuals."  But he is speaking of what the whole Body of Christ, the church, should become.

The word "perfect" means to be brought to completion, to reach its proper end (Strong's #5046, 248). That fulfillment is measured by the stature, that is, the maturity (Strong's #2244, 111) of the "fullness of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:13). The all-important word "fullness" in Greek means to be "filled up" or to reach completion so that no more can be added (Strong #4138, 204). Thus, the apostle writes, "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (OSB Colossians 2:9). The Son of God is everything that God is.

Yet this fullness of Christ is given to us in the church. Thus, the apostle says, "You are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power" (OSB Colossians 2:9). If we are in union with Christ, He shares His fullness with us. We are "conformed to the image of His [God's] Son," becoming like Him in all things (Romans 8:29).

For Reflection

But how do we reach the state of "union with Christ"? We cannot realize our union with Christ if we are not in union with the church, His Body. The limbs, muscles, and organs of the physical body have no life except as part of the body. So, the members of the Body of Christ do not have the New Life of Christ except as part of His Body. However, when we are one in Christ, we share in the fullness of Christ.

The fullness of Christ is the church's goal, end, and completion. When the church achieves the perfect unity in Christ, there is nothing lacking–nothing in faith, love, and hope; nothing in the inspiration, power, and gifts of the Spirit; nothing in doctrine and leadership, nothing in worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Together in the church, we become the one "perfect man," and together, we reach the maturity in Christ to which we as the Body of Christ are called.

By Very Rev. Archpriest Basil Ross Aden

На першому Вселенському соборі визначили дату святкування Великодня

20 травня 325 року римський імператор Костянтин Великий скликав у місті Нікея (нині місто Ізнік у Туреччині) перший Вселенський собор. На Соборі, що тривав понад 2 місяці, були присутні 318 єпископів із церков Сходу та Заходу. Вони засудили єресь а також уклали Символ Віри — короткий виклад християнських догматів.

В історії християнства відбулося 21 вселенські собори, які мали важливі наслідки та значення для подальшого розвитку церкви. Визнаються усіма Церквами. Хоч досі жодного протоколу Собору не збереглося, про рішення, прийнятих на цьому соборі відомо з пізніших джерел. Папа Сильвестр особисто не взяв участь в Соборі і делегував на Собор своїх легатів – двох пресвітерів. На Собор прибули делегати від територій, що не входили до складу імперії: з Питиунта на Кавказі, з Боспорського царства (Керчі), з Скіфії, два делегати з Вірменії, один з Персії. Крім єпископів в роботі Собору взяли участь багато пресвітерів і дияконів. Багато хто з них ще зовсім недавно повернулися з каторги і на своїх тілах мали сліди тортур.

Собор був скликаний імператором Костянтином Великим, для того щоб поставити крапку в суперечці між Олександрійським єпископом Олександром і Арієм. Арій, заперечував божественність Христа. На думку Арія, Христос не Бог, а перший і досконалий з створених Богом істот. У Арія знайшлося багато прихильників. Єпископ Олександр звинуватив Арія в богохульстві. Собор засудив аріанство і затвердив постулат про єдиносущність Сина Отцю і Його предвічним народженні.

Нікейським Собором було прийнято і 20 канонів церковного життя, які стали надійною основою для подальшого розвитку Церкви. Між іншим було вказано, що перед прийняттям Тайни Священства і вступом до сану майбутні священики одружуються раз і на все життя. Собором було встановлено час відзначання свята Пасхи, який на їхню думку повинен вдбуватися не раніше першої неділі повного місяця весняного рівнодення.

Please Note

We, as Orthodox Church and as the parish of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, are welcoming all who are looking for the True Faith and would like to learn and advance its relationship with God. We especially welcome all children of any age. It is not up to a parishioner to decide during the church service who should be welcomed or not welcomed in our parish. We have parish Bylaws that clearly define who is a member in good standing. If you have any issues please talk to Fr. Ivan or parish council.

American Flag


Memorial Day was declared a national holiday for the United States of America by an Act of Congress. This annual American Holiday was established to be celebrated on the last Monday of the month of May.

Memorial Day is a day of remembering the military men and women who died while serving our nation.

On Memorial Day, the American Flag is traditionally raised in the morning to the top of the staff and then lowered to the half-staff position where it remains until 12:00 Noon. It is then raised to the full-staff for the remainder of the day. The half-staff position is a tribute and remembers the more than 1 Million men and women who died to preserve our freedoms we have today in the United States of America. At 12:00 Noon, their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifices be in vain but to continue the flight for liberty and justice for all.

We honor those who died in any war while serving with the United States

Follow the Pilgrims
to the Holy Land

Dr. Mark Hatala with his son Sam are on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the group of other pilgrims headed by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. If you are interested to see what they see visit for an updates and pictures.

Music Notation - Lawryk Scholarship


This music scholarship is offered to all St. John's members who are graduating from high school.  The scholarship is in the amount of $750.00 and all qualifying seniors are encouraged to apply.

In order to be eligible, graduating seniors must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Each applicant must currently be a member of at least one (1) musical ensemble at his/her high school.
  2. Each applicant must have an academic average of at least 85% for four (4) years of high school.
  3. Each applicant must have been a member of at least two (2) different performing groups sometime during his/her 4 years of high school.
  4. Each applicant must be accepted at a fully accredited college or university.
  5. Each applicant must demonstrate the highest character and leadership.

Please contact Nancy Skojec at or (607) 972-6606 for an application.  Please return the application to Nancy by the end of May.  Thank you.

Save the Date

Ukrainian Day 2023 is scheduled for July 15. Plan ahead, invite your family and friends, spread the word around. The preparation is already underway, please come to help during work sessions or help in the way you can.

Let's Help Ukraine!

St. John's Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund is accepting donations to help Ukrainians during war. Donations will go to provide food and other humanitarian needs.

To make donation online click here

We accept checks as well.

Please make the checks to St. John Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund

Mailing address:

1 Saint John's Parkway
Johnson City NY 13790


Cash is accepted in church

Pray for Ukraine!

Prayers for Ukraine are done during each service. To see the schedule click here.

Молитви за Україну проводяться під час кожної служби. За розкладом дивіться тут.

May God bless and protect Ukraine!

Happy Birthday

  • May 21: Sabina Bhandari
  • May 22: Mykola Kapytsia
  • May 29: Yuliia Vozniuk
  • May 30: Ava Cardarelli
  • June 01: Andrew Tarcha
  • June 02: Laurel Shirk

* If your or someone else's birthday is missing or incorrect please let Fr. Ivan know right away.

Please Pray for the Servants of God

Rose Klodowski, Marlyn Klish,
Bob Rucky, Nadine Binns,
John Haluska, Olga Kulik, Jane Ellsworth,
Lesia Klysh, Zenna Mihovan,
Melanie Klish, Helen Kaspryk,
William Harder, Marion Kaspryk,
Jean Sankowski, Brian Baxendale,
Elijah Holicky, Peter, William, Kristi

Upcoming Readings

Mon. May 29 – Acts 21:8-14; Jn. 14:27–15:7;
Tue. May 30 – Acts 21:26-32 ; Jn. 16:2-13;
Wed. May 31 – Acts 23:1-11; Jn. 16:15-23;
Thu. June 1 – Acts 25:13-19; Jn. 16:23-33;
Fri. June 2 – Acts 27:1-44; Jn. 17:18-26;
Sat. June 3 – Acts 28:1-31; Jn. 21:15-25;

Contact Information

1 St. John's Parkway,
Johnson City, New York 13790

Priest: Fr. Ivan Synevskyy
Ph: (617) 646-9515
Priest's E-mail:

Parish Council President – Brian Baxendale
Ph.: (607) 205 - 2436
President's E-mail:

Vice President – Gary Dobransky
Ph.: (607) 797-2529



Українська Православна Церква св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті, штату Нью-Йорк, США. Знаходимось під духовною опікою Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія.

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Contact info

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя

  • 1 Saint John's Parkway, Johnson City NY
  • (607) 797-1584